What did you do in the garden today?

Penny, the barn cat, was irritated at me for taking her out of her bed 2X to go enjoy some sun. She looks at me and her ears are back bc she's irritated at me :lau like a kid made to get out of bed too early in the morning (or a teen made to get out of bed at any time).

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Nearly 3 weeks old, getting first taste of the outdoors! We have to close the door the first 45-60 min or else they will just go back inside. The pop door leads to a brooder in the barn. We have 6 BR, 6 EE, and 3 SS.
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The adults - quite curious!
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Good morning gardeners. I got a little sidetracked from cleaning yesterday. I figured since I was filling the peat cups with dirt I should add some seeds to them. I got all my tomatoes started, the summer squash, one container of basil and 3 dinosaur kale cups. I need to go over the windows in the sunroom again. The morning sun highlighted where I missed or streaked. It was my turn to cook last night so I stopped cleaning early to make lasagna. Sadly, I used my last jar of tomato sauce. I'm so hoping for a better year with tomatoes. So back to cleaning today. I just ordered heating oil. Enough snow has melted in the front yard so the delivery person can get to the fill port. It was near 60F yesterday and there's still a ton of snow and ice covering the ground. The big garden gates are still frozen so I'm hoping either today or tomorrow I can get in there. And I really need to do some pruning. Most likely tomorrow will be the best day for that. As for growing peaches. I'm in zone 5 and peaches grow quite well here. The orchard I go to has cling and freestone varieties both very good. I have a dwarf freestone tree in my yard but last year it developed fruit and then dropped it from blight and drought. I'm hoping for a better season this year.
It will continue to be rather warm here for the next few days - so outdoor tasks should be on the agenda. I will be mulching with leaves and other raked up duff in the vegetable garden. This will prevent weeds from taking over until the vegetables are planted. The winter here has been rather mild so as to rose pruning, I did a minimal amount to hybrid teas just to reduce size, maintain a good form and allow for air circulation through the plants. The climbers like Blaze and New Dawn have no dead parts so I will just help guide them up the porch posts. Here are a couple of photos of the Blaze roses from last year with our resident mouser, Splash - a dilute calico who always enjoys posing for a photograph if the camera is at hand.

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@Acre4Me Your cat has the same color pattern as our oldest kitty. And, hilariously, the same "I hate you" face. :lau Love it!

Well, the aeroponic tower didn't happen last night. Instead, we ended up making a drive to a different city/suburb to get a truck topper for DH's new (to us) truck. It is not a standard height topper, but an extra tall one. (i.e. extra heavy too) So the guy who's selling helps lift it up and these two struggle and grunt and manage to wrangle it halfway up before stalling because they've got no more to give. So I, 4 months pregnant, jump out and give the final heave ho to shove it into place. Except, whoops, forgot to take the tailgate off first. Looked that up, told DH what to do, but he didn't have enough leverage once the first side was disconnected to then slide it off the other. So I kicked it. :cool: Yeah, problem solved.
I called corporate to return this greenhouse. I got permission to do so. I got it at the end of may last year and put it away until last week. They said they'd take it.

So I'll get my $100 back. I dislike this store as the employees treat you like trash when you return things, like the money is coming out of their own pocket.

But they were given a heads up that it's coming back.
Winds howling to 55 so far this morning. It's 72 degrees. And we lost power for over an hour this morning just as I was starting chores. So the alpacas has to share water from their buckets with the hens. LOL. No one complained.
Ceiling fan stopped during outage, no surprise, and OMG it was so gross! I know it's been since October since I stopped it, switched the direction, and cleaned it, but ICK! It was the first thing I cleaned when the power came back up.

Temps dropping like a rock tonight, back to freezing.
Will get tomato seeds in dirt today.
DS and DH got their J&J vaccine yesterday. Both are still alive to my knowledge.
DS is happy about the one shot and done bit.

OH NONE of my expensive onion seeds have sprouted. Annoying. I'll get starts when I go to town next week.

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