What did you do in the garden today?

Today has been raining all day. I put my big dog on the porch and put the chickens in a big rabbit cage. They don't like going in the coop other than to lay eggs. So they were soaked little babes. I added some bedding for them and gave them food and water. They might have to stay inside for about 2 days.
Look how cute Wally is.
I am itching to work in the gardens but mine are soaked by a major rain event. I inspected some things under row covers and picked a bit of lettuce and a few cabbages but it was too muddy and I quit. Typical for me here is to have too wet soil for tilling or even walking on in the early spring. I plant some spring crops in the semi permanent raised wide row beds without tillage. Add a bit of compost and its all good. Due to the clay content of my native soil it is good to aerate the soil as deep as possible every so often to keep organic matter aiding and/or mitigating drainage down to the desired root zone and beyond. But I don't have to till every bed every year for good results. I love my constructed raised beds with soilless mix and compost only that are a bit taller and easier on me and never need tilling. I cover them with # 9 gauge wire hoops and frost cover or netting in the winter for growing lettuce, spinach, cauliflower and such. I pulled up cages from my tomato and pepper patches and stacked them, but stopped also, because of the mud in those gardens as well. Now I am having a cup of tea and feeling bored, so I will get up and find some other project.

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