What did you do in the garden today?

That looks like butternut squash
Thank you! I wasn't aware butternut squash (we call them pumpkins here) came in several varieties, so found out it is a

Tromboncino Squash​

Tromboncino squash, also called Italian trombone squash, is a vining squash that produces fruit up to three feet long. The fruit has a long slender neck with a bulb-like end. The outer skin is usually light green. Trellising their six feet or longer vines is the best method of growing this Italian summer squash.


I'm going to attempt a few more varieties next season.
Busy here. Still haven’t started seeds. Late for me. But, I did find the seed heat mats. I pulled out pepper seeds, and got the soil starter. Probably can’t get to it until Sat. Have a few obligations today, and an unexpected round trip tomorrow. I’ll be near the football hall of fame tomorrow, if we leave early enough we could visit, so I checked the website for admission -seems pretty pricey at $43 per person. Teen decided to sleep in rather than leave early, so I’m off the hook for that.

Baby chicks are doing well. I forced them to explore the little bit of outside run and now they love it. They have a nice protected run with heat/water/food, but a protected area in the main chicken run attached.

Pregnant goats: they are doing well, but at most are 132 days along. They need to pass day 142 to give birth to viable babies is what I read, so it’s getting closer. I think typical range of full term delivery is 145-155 days. My biggest wish is for all girls!! But one healthy, viable girl apiece would be enough-they are dairy goats for 4H. We need to get cameras up… I’ll start to figure that out this weekend. I have some Blink outdoor cameras, newly purchased, but probably need to extend WiFi to the barn somehow.
At first I read, dog got the vole, made stew 🤪😂 have you tried manuka honey?! It really helps with slow healing wounds!! But you need a special medical grade salve or band aid soaked with it ( my hubby was treated with it after an operation)
The Doctor scraped the wound and applied manuka honey. Gave me the tube of honey.
Are they good eating? We have a LOT of them around here.
Several here, too. A few years ago I had one that I swear must've weighed a hundred pounds & he was really a PITA. He dug under my shed where some seasoned lumber is stored & the whole building started leaning like the Tower of Piza. I trapped him using cantaloupe and took him for a 1 way ride for relocation. During the ride, he took himself a big, stinky dump in the truck bed. Thank goodness I have a bed liner in the pickup...it was the worst smelling crap ever to hit my nose. Took several scrubbings followed by bleach & 3 days of open air & sunshine to finally dissipate the stench. I don't care what delicious recipe could possibly involve groundhog, I'm never going to attempt eating anything that produced a smell like that. 😆
I should be starting seeds now. I don't have the umph to do it. Usually, it is stress reliever. This year, the thought of it is adding stress.

Dh and I will both be gone for a week at very bad timing for the starts. I think I can rig up watering but lighting is a problem. I don't have a good south window or enough grow lights. Other years, I moved them from east window to west window.

Then, I expect to be gone for several weeks at the drop of a hat when a kidney becomes available for ds-i-l. Or early in the summer, if one of my kids qualifies as a living donor (they have minor health issues to clear up in order to qualify) and if sil can wait that long or sooner if someone clears as a living donor sooner and he can't wait longer. Results are better if it can be done before he goes on dialysis.

Or. the latest is worse. Maybe. The transplant center found markers for pancreatic cancer. A family friend had that so I'm trying not to look anything up until the referral people get done looking into it. If we have to deal with it, we will but there is enough else going on to not deal with that unless we have to.

Maybe I will just plant cover crops this year. And marigolds.
When I was beaten down by chemo, looking out the window to see blooming Marigolds & Sunflowers made me smile. Honeybees enjoying white clover crop cover made me feel good that mother earth was getting some rest & nurturing, too. Take care, rest & nurture yourself. There's plenty of time for being industrious, After the time for healing. ❤️
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