What did you do in the garden today?

G’morning all. I’m about 80 pages behind, too much to go back and catch up. We went on vacation so not much other than watering the garden today to make up for my time away, but even the melons in the pots made it through.

We got away from the heat here in the valley and went up to the Grand Canyon, had a train ride and enjoyed the cooler temps!
Still trying to rescue one of the crepe myrtles in the back yard from the honeysuckle. Had to take a break yesterday to cut down a mimosa that had come up from out of nowhere and was flowering. NO. Bad mimosa!
(They are non-native and very invasive in my area. A previous neighbor had a HUGE one in his front yard and I will be dealing with the fallout from that thing for the rest of my life, I'm sure.)

Looking to get American beautyberry to add to my back yard too. Still nursing along the wild grape cuttings, working on getting the rest of the blackberries planted... It's slow work but it keeps me busy! I'm only one person and I have to be careful not to overwork myself.
Lot next door has 3 gigantic Mimosas. The Hummingbirds like the fragrant flowers but those seeds are a real PITA. Yes, those little things spring up Everywhere. The neighbor let one grow up, so now I'm flanked on both sides. You wouldn't believe how many buckets of those seeds I pick up every year! No wonder my sacroiliac hurts! 😆
Have to run out to the garden store to get some coco coir, amazon crap lied about how much was in a package. I have like 4 open spots in a greenstalk & 2 peppers that didn't survive transplant shock so I'm going to pick up some starts of something - so exciting.
Well that was a bust. Forgot my glasses so I couldn't see what anything was. Got some marigolds. :rant
G’morning all. I’m about 80 pages behind, too much to go back and catch up. We went on vacation so not much other than watering the garden today to make up for my time away, but even the melons in the pots made it through.

We got away from the heat here in the valley and went up to the Grand Canyon, had a train ride and enjoyed the cooler temps!
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Me too 🙈 but not vacationing but turning into bionic woman 🤪 got my 2. new hip

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