What did you make from your garden today?

I tried to grow from seeds, with little to no luck. I think it was too cool for the seeds to sprout. What srpouted didn't grow.

I may try again. I have a few months to think about it. :)
The first time I grew celery, it took almost a month to sprout. I nearly gave up. But then I got 4 good seedlings from the 6 I planted, and had cut & come again celery all summer! Now I know to wait patiently, celery can take forever to sprout.
Did yo start the celery from good seed for plants to set in your garden? That's how we will be trying it this year. It will be our first attempt to grow celery.
I start mine from seed inside, they take a long time to get going and only take them out after all danger of frost and cover them for a few weeks too.
Interesting... I'd never heard about blanching the stalks of celery to keep them tender. Anyone got some input on this?
I think they wrap the plants with cardboard or something to keep the light off so they lighten in color and the flavor mellows. I mean I vaguely know what to do but not when to do it. Too many garden jobs all needing done at the same time.
By New Years, I hope I'm getting enough fresh eggs to make a frittata again. Lots of onions and garlic (home grown), maybe some fried potatoes? (home grown). Then add a purchased head of broccoli (not much of a fan, but like it this way), and some spinach. Maybe someday I'll have some home grown spinach to put in one...? It doesn't do well here.
I haven't done much from the garden since it's been raining windy and cold. I'm hoping my peas and carrots will finally start producing. I have spinach potatoes and I don't remember everything else I planted but it would be nice to have a really good hot homemade soup from the garden again.

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