What do folk think about Dogs in the bedroom?

Have you ever had seperation issues with your dog by letting him have so much access to you all the time? What happens when you go out for the day and can't take him?( Does he get distressed because your not there?) What happens if your out walking and leave him outside a store? Does he get upset and cry for you? Or does he take it in his stride? What I am asking is are dogs that are allowed more or less 24/7 access to their owners more inclined to seperation issues? Because they are not used to being alone and being able to cope?


That's a good question, it made me think. Actually, no separation issues from us people. My husband is mostly retired and I work part time so we're in and out at different times of the day and night. We wouldn't have dogs if everyone was gone for long, extended periods. The most the dogs are alone is about 6 hours. Unfortunately, they don't go many places with us as the coon hound gets violently carsick! Anything more than 3 miles and she throws up. She has even gotten used to throwing up in a plastic bag, which we always carry if we have to take her someplace. Not even motion sickness meds will help her.

I will say they're happy to see us when we return if they've been alone but they're not upset. They don't do destructive things when we're gone and they don't act out when we return. I think they're happy to see us mostly because they have to go to the bathroom - which neither ever does in the house - and because they want dinner!

The only anxiety we get from them is if we separate them from each other. That's mostly from the lab, too. If we must take the coon hound out [such as to the vet], we can hear the lab crying from outside the house. The lab was that way about her sister, too, who unfortunately died a few years ago. That's why we got the coon hound, as a companion for the lab.

Hounds don't get upset often. They're happy as long as you feed them. The only time the hound would miss us is if we didn't show up to give her dinner!
That's a good question, it made me think. Actually, no separation issues from us people. My husband is mostly retired and I work part time so we're in and out at different times of the day and night. We wouldn't have dogs if everyone was gone for long, extended periods. The most the dogs are alone is about 6 hours. Unfortunately, they don't go many places with us as the coon hound gets violently carsick! Anything more than 3 miles and she throws up. She has even gotten used to throwing up in a plastic bag, which we always carry if we have to take her someplace. Not even motion sickness meds will help her.

I will say they're happy to see us when we return if they've been alone but they're not upset. They don't do destructive things when we're gone and they don't act out when we return. I think they're happy to see us mostly because they have to go to the bathroom - which neither ever does in the house - and because they want dinner!

The only anxiety we get from them is if we separate them from each other. That's mostly from the lab, too. If we must take the coon hound out [such as to the vet], we can hear the lab crying from outside the house. The lab was that way about her sister, too, who unfortunately died a few years ago. That's why we got the coon hound, as a companion for the lab.

Hounds don't get upset often. They're happy as long as you feed them. The only time the hound would miss us is if we didn't show up to give her dinner!

Our dogs are never left alone for long either. We are out for about 4 hrs to do shopping or go to the hospital obviously not a trip one can take the dogs on! They have never been distructive either. The only thing now is I have to seperate them but they can still see eachother. It isn;t because they are bad but because Bailey hurts GIz by over grooming, sucking his ears and putting his paw on his back and pushing. So we need to stop that. Hence suppervised access! Lol! OMG that is so like it was with Murph and GIzmo if we took them away from eachother they would cry like mad! Giz was soooo depressed when Murph died we got Bailey. Unfortunately Giz hasn;t had it easy with this fellow! Being his chew toy and all? I am a bit worried about things when Bailey reches maturity? - I mean I used to have to deal with a few Broke back mountain moments when Murph was alive! lol.

Yeah I was thinking he might have a urinery infection as he wets loads. - As for the Dogs in bed maybe it is more an American thing?
A lot of folk here don't even keep a dog in the house! I guess it is a personal thing. It is simply not for me and isn;t going to happen here.
He has pood about 5 times today and even just now on the floor without a sound to tell me he wanted the yard!

I hope he grows out of this?

Oes - At least 90% is in the yard so were heading in the right direction.
I do think we coddle our animals in the US and certainly have a lot less discipline for dogs. I know in Germany and the Netherlands horses are treated more like livestock than the pampered lives some give them here in the US. When it comes to dogs, I consider myself more old school, no dogs on the bed or any furniture for that matter, and they need to work/have a job. Different strokes for different folks.

P.S. Sorry about your chicken.
I guess I am like that too! We got the OES - well the original one for the children and she was great with them - because of my Asthma I am somewhat restricted in the breed I have. Dh wonted a big dog ( At the time I was not convinced and thought of the tiny kids I had.) However I love the grooming and so we opted for the OES or it would have had to be an airdale for the wire coat or a poodle and both of us didn;t want one of those! Then we saw how good they are with disabled and how loving they were with Danny. His face just lights up about them and he loves all the fur! So the dog is a companion to Danny in many ways, especially now that our other children no longer live here! ( Oh and there is no way a dog would be allowed on his bed!!! ) So he has a job. The other little dog just turned up he doesn;t have a job ( Well lately he has to baby sit the pup and make like a chew toy! Poor chap!) As for couches and beds we simply do not have animals elivated to the place of human comfort taking! It is just asking for pecking order issues.

-" I am boss I sit on the couch you are Dog you sit at my feet! I am boss I sleep in my own bed and you sleep on the floor downstairs in your dog basket! ( To scare off intruders before they get upstairs to me!) It is your job to defend me and mine not to lay about in my bed! "

Yeah I guess pet pampering is an american thing!

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My Gracie (cockapoo) is my baby. I used to have a horse, but we couldn't afford to keep her and we had to sell her. My parents got me Gracie shortly after. She sleeps with me every night, and is always there for me if I am upset. She has separation anxiety, but she was a puppy-mill puppy, and I didn't know that when I got her, so it's understandable. She can high five and jump through a hoop.
The only misgiving my husband and I have about letting the dogs sleep in the bed is, while the pack got bigger, the bed hasn't and leg room is a commodity.
Have you heard of zoonotic diseases? These are diseases that animals can spread to humans... even seemingly healthy animals. I used to work with veterinarians and most of them will advice against sharing your bed with a pet. Even the CDC is against this practice.

Please take the time to check these sites:



Have you heard of zoonotic diseases? These are diseases that animals can spread to humans... even seemingly healthy animals. I used to work with veterinarians and most of them will advice against sharing your bed with a pet. Even the CDC is against this practice.

Please take the time to check these sites:




you can get a heck of a lot more diseases from other people......

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