What do folk think about Dogs in the bedroom?

No dogs in the bedroom.

I keep two dogs outside and one inside.The one inside goes into a crate at night by the back door.He will bark if someone comes. I would not want any dog in my bedroom..Dogs smell. Fart too. And I don't need anal glands rubbed on my bedroom carpet.Ewwww.Plus the few times my dogs were left to roam the house at night they did void inside.When I had all dogs inside they were kept in certain spots via baby gates.

Like plate licking I say," To each their own."
Below is a link to a CDC article "Zoonoses in the Bedroom". The two tables in the report puts it all into perspective. It would appear that there are far more instances of death by lightening than of illness by sleeping with your pet.

Info from CDC: http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/eid/article/17/2/pdfs/10-1070.pdf

Info on lightning injuries/deaths: http://www.lightningsafety.noaa.gov/medical.htm
Hmmm... maybe I got it all wrong then
... I am reevaluating my position... Thinking about bringing in the bed a couple turkeys and ducks... they are smaller than my dogs so I will still have space on my bed to stretch.

I don't want to be confrontational... I just answered to the post question... people can do whatever they want in their beds, right? And as it appears for the amount of information posted... we need more filth around so we are not overpowered by super bugs in the future.

I always learn new stuff in BYC, I love it
No dogs in the bedroom.

I keep two dogs outside and one inside.The one inside goes into a crate at night by the back door.He will bark if someone comes. I would not want any dog in my bedroom..Dogs smell. Fart too. And I don't need anal glands rubbed on my bedroom carpet.Ewwww.Plus the few times my dogs were left to roam the house at night they did void inside.When I had all dogs inside they were kept in certain spots via baby gates.

Like plate licking I say," To each their own."
Now, thanks for your simple common sense based words...
No animals in the bedroom for us either. DH may have let the irish setter in the bedroom since that was his baby. But that dog could out gas anything that walked this earth! lol

I think I am developing an allergy to the cats, so I don't regret the decision to lock them out of the bedroom also. I really don't miss the hair all over everything. Dog sleeps at the bedroom door, or on his bed just around the corner.
No animals in the bedroom for us either. DH may have let the irish setter in the bedroom since that was his baby. But that dog could out gas anything that walked this earth! lol

I think I am developing an allergy to the cats, so I don't regret the decision to lock them out of the bedroom also. I really don't miss the hair all over everything. Dog sleeps at the bedroom door, or on his bed just around the corner.

I can sure understand about the hair thing. - I have Asthma so have gotten a woolly dog rather than one that sheds in the air like a lab or alsatian or hound types. I can;t have them in a confined space with me as my asthma goes wild! Don;t want to die from "Dog poisoning!" lol. The woolly Mammoth doesn;t have that affect but the down side is that everything has balls of white fluff on. - If I keep at least some of the house dog free it does mean on that rare occation I can actually get dressed up and go out for a meal I don;t have hairballs over my little black number! Yikes! - Somehow wheezing and coughing and covered in furrrrrr balls doesn;t seem that romantic in the bedroom department -

I also have a cat allergic to a deal of de-flea products so having a few bouncing "friends! " running through the bed sheets well I would be dunfor! -


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