What do you feed your dog?

Yeah if you are lucky enough to have a good co-op it will be cheaper. Mine carries it and its less expensive than the vet BUT entirely pets is still cheaper! lol
My goodness, folks!!! How do you afford to feed those things?????

I can get a 40 lb bag of Ol' Roy for around $14! If I had to pay anymore than that I would shake their paws and send them out to get a job!!
Our dogs eat old Roy, but every once in a awhile we have to switch it up as they get bored and don't want to eat it. We pay about $9.00 for a 10 Kilogram bag(approx 20-21 lbs)
I was thinking of switching them to the RAW diet, and a friend of mine (where we got our rescue Aussie Shepperd) makes the BARF Diet and has come up with her own type of dog food and has just started marketing it, I'm looking forward to seeing how much it costs compared to what we pay now. My dogs will also once in awhile get leftovers and they will eat veggies, and my aussie loves bananas.
If I was feeding Ol Roy I'd have to feed twice the amount I feed now. I'm spending about the same (only a little more) on dog food now, with my $40 per bag, as I would with $14 per bag Ol Roy, plus I have the benefit of not having to scoop up as much poop. So it really isn't as expensive as it seems.
With good quality food they do eat a lot less. No doubts of that.

All those extra roosters people have can also be put to good use to feed the dogs, if they aren't good enough to put on your table.
Well people can survive off ramen noodles but that doesn't make it healthy

My dogs are members of my family and they deserve to eat well.
My three get raw bones and all. I have three rott and rott mixes. I go through about 15-20 pounds a week. I keep them on the thin side because they are all rescues and I worry about joint problems.

I love the no dog breath and poop that doesn't stick to your shoes.
My dogs eat better than some peoples kids. I found good diets save a ton on vet bills and problems down the road.

Once had a neighbor with kids. Family was having a hard time making ends meet and I was butchering extra roosters for myself and the dog. Offered some to the neighbor and he turned up his nose saying he wouldn't waste the power to cook a rooster and call him when I was doing hens. Needless to say the dog and I enjoyed them from then on out.

Mine eat them whole also. No danger in chicken bones if they are not cooked. I raise a ton of chicks every year and face the same issue of to many roosters for the market. People want hens and don't want to raise roosters for meat.
I wouldn't agree with the no danger if raw . . . had a border collie that chowed down on guineas, and had to have major surgery because he couldn't pass the massive amount of bones taking up space in his belly.
Ugh, wouldn't want a repeat of that vet bill.

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