What do you gather eggs in?! Pics?


My wife got me this when I asked for something to gather eggs. Haven't gotten to use it yet because my oldest are only 8 weeks or so. It's huge.
I collect them in my t-shirt/sweater just rolled back from the bottom lol then indoors I have a wire egg basket shaped like a chicken


right now it's just a few, so I put them in my pockets

My answer is: It depends

- In the winter when they will freeze, I go out with some frequency and just carry them back in my hand. Most of them shut down in the winter (2nd winter laying, much better their first winter which is normal) so more often than not, I come back empty handed.
- When it is warmer, I often just leave an egg carton out on the box that houses the insulated drink cooler that feeds their water nipples. I bring it to the house at the end of the day when they go to roost.
- In the "might be freezing" seasons, I'll bring the carton in when I put an egg in it and for the rest of the day either hand carry if I find only one or two or use a small wicker basket that also lives on the water box.

I use a wire basket I got from TSC. I will never fill it in one go but I like I can fit a couple days eggs in it. Have to be careful not to drop the egg in but still nice. And if it gets dirty I just rinse it off.

(not my picture)
I also use this egg basket I got at TSC & keep an old kitchen towel in the bottom to cushion eggs.
What about using mineral oil to coat them after washing? I have heard of using that before but not sure if it really works. Anyone know???
I use plastic coffee cans, pie tins, aprons, scrub top pockets, plastic utility pails, feed bowls, my lunch box, planter pots, grocery bags, Frisbees, my purse, paint trays, coffee cups, the bottom of the water font, my coat pockets, my hat, my bra, my shirt tucked into my pants, the worm box, the wheel burro, the wagon, the cricket baggie, feed bag, feed scooper, dog bowl, and literally any other vessel available at the moment.

I have admired wire and wicker collection baskets but none have made it into my shopping cart. Use what ever charms you. If you choose not to refrigerate your eggs because of the benefits there in, know that refrigerated eggs break down structurally 7x slower than at room temperature. (They get runny whites and flat, thin yolks-- texturally less desirable for my taste. I only leave the eggs out that will be eaten soon after gathering). So if the reason you are asking about gathering tools is because you wish to store them in the same container it may matter. I would choose metal for the circulation.

In using anything on hand I have had some mishaps, of course. I would say if you are gentle with the eggs, firm vessels like bowls and pans are least likely to lend themselves to smashes in transport. Softer items like wicker baskets would cushion the initial drop into the basket but as soon as there are other eggs to collide this feature is played out. Realizing that care should be exercised, I have rarely cracked an egg on collection by dropping into a firm container, but I have done so egg to egg. The warmest eggs seem to be softer. Makes sense why. I would caution one against battling an ornery rooster with eggs in your pocket. Oh YUCK! Same goes for carrying heavy items with eggs in your pockets. You would think that would be a no brainer but once you have carefully succeeded so many times with eggs in your pockets it becomes somewhat of an automatic thing and one can get distracted. I once made it safely to work with forgotten eggs in my coat pocket only to smash them against a cabinet as I slung my coat over a chair. Gross! That was fun. All pockets have been carefully monitored since that time.

I hope this helps or at the very least, amuses.

I bought heart shaped plastic baskets that hold about 2 dozen eggs on clearance for 30 cents each. They swing by the handle so if you don't place eggs just right they'll roll into each other. I've pretty much stuck with a small fixed- handle wicker basket to collect in. Sometimes cute isn't functional so I can just use the baskets when selling eggs.
I pretend I'm six again and gather the eggs in the bottom of my shirt. That, or jacket pockets, shirt pockets, my hands... mostly because I've been too forgetful when it comes to remembering to buy a basket to gather them in. s:)^)3
Honestly, I just use an old egg carton from the store bought eggs. It holds a dozen and you can put it in your fridge when you bring them in the house. I do believe Walmart has a plastic version in the kitchen department.

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