
Mar 9, 2023
I’m just curious if tractor supply “Easter eggers” are just all breeds that lay various color eggs, The older my chicks get I think I have at least 3 wyandottes, a barred rock or Cochin mix and maybe some classic “Easter eggers” I’m really excited about the variety but the older they get the more I’m questioning what breed they even are?! And my one Easter egger already has red waddles and red comb at 4 weeks but I didn’t think EE had large if any waddles? Are wyandottes considered EE?
Plenty of EEs that lay brown eggs now days too

True, although you wouldn't consider that an EE, rather a mix breed with colored egg laying lineage. It defeats the whole purpose if you call a brown egg laying bird an EE. But what can ya do, it sells better so people take it and run with it
True, although you wouldn't consider that an EE, rather a mix breed with colored egg laying lineage. It defeats the whole purpose if you call a brown egg laying bird an EE. But what can ya do, it sells better so people take it and run with it
Oh I agree but most do still call them EEs and worse they keep breeding them as EEs.
I'm not a fan of the whole idea that an EE can literally be anything. Any color eggs, any kind of comb, any skin color, any color/pattern, any shape, muffs, beards or neither.
The description has become so wide that it's ridiculous.
To TSC they are chickens that produce money.Most of the employees and staff are completely ignorant about basic chicken facts and their breeds,they just sell mixed up bunches of straight run breeds to make a profit.I don’t like to support them for that reason.
I agree; I got Blue Marans from a bin labeled "Cuckoo Marans," and I got two Buff Orpingtons and one Delaware from a bin labeled "Buff Orpington." Three years ago, we called to purchase ten sexed female California Grays. Only five of those were California Grays, and the other five turned out to be mixes, with one being a very aggressive rooster.

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