What is y'all's favorite chews to give your dogs?

What is your favorite chew for your dogs?

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Our girl lives for her nightly “dessert” of a rawhide strip. We started with rawhide dental chews when we first adopted her at 5 and a half months old, so it’s been her thing for 9 years now. She so funny, we’ve been giving it to her an hour after her dinner, and I can’t tell you how many times at exactly the one hour mark she stand up and stares at us like “it’s dessert time”. I could swear she can read the clock. We’re lucky she’s not a drooler, but the spot where she eats it does need to be wiped down every couple days. It’s not bad though.

She loves bully sticks, but this are more of an occasional special treat.

I hope nobody gives their pup antlers. Our vet told us early on that those can break teeth. She loved them, but we didn’t want to deal with broken teeth so we swapped them out for the dental chews.
Our girl lives for her nightly “dessert” of a rawhide strip. We started with rawhide dental chews when we first adopted her at 5 and a half months old, so it’s been her thing for 9 years now. She so funny, we’ve been giving it to her an hour after her dinner, and I can’t tell you how many times at exactly the one hour mark she stand up and stares at us like “it’s dessert time”. I could swear she can read the clock. We’re lucky she’s not a drooler, but the spot where she eats it does need to be wiped down every couple days. It’s not bad though.

She loves bully sticks, but this are more of an occasional special treat.

I hope nobody gives their pup antlers. Our vet told us early on that those can break teeth. She loved them, but we didn’t want to deal with broken teeth so we swapped them out for the dental chews.
Be careful with rawhide, they can choke on it easily as it breaks off easily
That is true too! I have seen her cough a piece up sometimes, almost like she’s eating it too fast. She always eats it right by us in her same spot, but a good thing to keep in mind. 😊
Definitely keep an eye especially if she's coughing up. It can be sharp if they swallow it too and hurt their insides.
I only do bully sticks it keeps my dogs teeth in good health. Even the vet commented how great his teeth was in and he's 10 years old now.
As long as you know the risks and watch them closely. 👍
Oh yes, we are aware of the risks and keep an eye on her during dessert time. Our vet is also aware that this is part of her diet. I do appreciate you all bringing it up - you never know what folks are aware of. Just as we are not comfortable with the risk of giving her antlers, despite her fondness, we are ok with the rawhide dental chews.
Cooked and smoked bones should be avoided. Even large beef bones will splinter. I offer raw beef and bison marrow bones occasionally. I take them away when the marrow is gone because my dog will break small pieces off.

Rawhide poses a choking hazard but it can also cause blocked intestines. You also need to be very careful of the source. Some places treat the rawhide with bleach and other nasty chemicals. Honestly, this goes for all dog food and treats. This may be what is triggering digestive issues in some dogs when given certain treats.

There are alternative rawhide-type chews that are more easily chewed and digested. They come in all kinds of sizes and shapes. My dog has one that is literally the same width as my arm that he likes to chew on every now and then.

Something else not mentioned is Yak chews. They are made from Yak milk. If your dog breaks off bits or gets to the very end you can pop them in the microwave and they puff up into this kind of popcorn-like crunchy treat.

My dogs used to chew a lot more as a puppy then he does now. I usually try to get him a variety of things. He's a pit mix so usually only take a couple minutes to get through most things but it's still fun. There's a locally owned pet store near by that we got to and he gets to shop for what he wants. As far as the teeth cleaning part of it, he's on a raw diet so doesn't have any tarter. One part of the raw diet is giving what they call meaty bones, things like chicken wings, chicken feet, duck head, etc. These things go a long way in cleaning teeth as they crunch through it. Probably not something most people want to offer but a raw chicken wing now and then would help with tarter.
Cooked and smoked bones should be avoided. Even large beef bones will splinter. I offer raw beef and bison marrow bones occasionally. I take them away when the marrow is gone because my dog will break small pieces off.

Rawhide poses a choking hazard but it can also cause blocked intestines. You also need to be very careful of the source. Some places treat the rawhide with bleach and other nasty chemicals. Honestly, this goes for all dog food and treats. This may be what is triggering digestive issues in some dogs when given certain treats.

There are alternative rawhide-type chews that are more easily chewed and digested. They come in all kinds of sizes and shapes. My dog has one that is literally the same width as my arm that he likes to chew on every now and then.

Something else not mentioned is Yak chews. They are made from Yak milk. If your dog breaks off bits or gets to the very end you can pop them in the microwave and they puff up into this kind of popcorn-like crunchy treat.

My dogs used to chew a lot more as a puppy then he does now. I usually try to get him a variety of things. He's a pit mix so usually only take a couple minutes to get through most things but it's still fun. There's a locally owned pet store near by that we got to and he gets to shop for what he wants. As far as the teeth cleaning part of it, he's on a raw diet so doesn't have any tarter. One part of the raw diet is giving what they call meaty bones, things like chicken wings, chicken feet, duck head, etc. These things go a long way in cleaning teeth as they crunch through it. Probably not something most people want to offer but a raw chicken wing now and then would help with tarter.
I would LOVE to offer raw bones/wings/chicken feet to my dogs, but I am just so afraid of how their stomachs will react. They are on dry kibble so it is not what they are used to. Would it be risky to give them a raw treat now and then?
Bully sticks, pig ears, cow hooves, antlers, marrow bones, Himalayan yak chews, beef cheek rolls, dried out beef tracheas, etc.

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