What is your dream chicken breed?

I want a moderately early to mature bird that looks a lot like a Dark Brahma, but the white replaced by a reddish gold tint similar to pale orange clay. It should lay about 120 med-lg to lrg eggs each year, be predator aware, a good free ranger, have a small single comb and clean legs. Males should be in the 5-6# range at 16 weeks. Eggs should be cream to tan in color. and while I don't want a CornishX Frankenchicken, a little more breast than the typical Brahma would not be a disappointment.

I would accept the same, but pattered as a Wyandotte instead, with only a little disappointment.

I've started a "project" (search on "Lemonade") to try and create one, and have no expectation of anything resembling success in the coming decade. Still working my way thru a very useful, 30+ page, chicken genetics thread with some very good links.
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Hatchery-quality Cornish are pretty close to what I like, yes.
And I've got daydreams of crossing them with other breeds to make more colors, too.
For example, the Dark Cornish are gorgeous--but replacing the red with silver would also look really pretty!

But the show-quality Cornish from breeders are way too wide for my taste, and are reported to be really bad layers.

Wait, you have Dark Cornish from a Hatchery with reds in them??? That's the second stage of my breeding project!

Mine all look like this:


I want to replace their white with something that's a little less obvious against my clay soils...
I love my crevecouers. I also love my lavender ameraucanas. Serama's were a fun breed, great temperament, but hard on breeding. I also enjoyed black australorps because of their personality, but the crevecouers I think are my favourite breed thus far.
Well, I would normally say Orpingtons, but this year I got some Lakeshore Eggers- mix between a cream legbar and whatever it mated with in the barnyard. The most beautiful birds developed- I love the color and the mohawk. One looks like a mix with a Buff Orpington mix and one looks like I don't know what- but is beautiful (of course, may be a roo and View attachment 2455506View attachment 2455507need rehomed). They are sweet, friendly, active, intelligent and funny.
They're so pretty! I'm assuming they lay a colored egg?

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