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That's a super nice and impressive computer you built! I know a little about it I only recognize it because my brother does that kind of stuff and he uses it for gaming. Kudos to you for making that it looks super hard not to mention expensive $$$
It depends on how you look at it I suppose. It's "middle of the road" as far as cost goes. when compared to the market as a whole, but it's still a decent amount of money to put into a new PC for someone who is only a casual user. I re-used some stuff to help keep the costs down and chose components that weren't top of the line but were still a very good upgrade from my 10 year old system. I had a budget I was trying to hit with it, and I did manager to hit my target. But they can get out of hand quickly for sure. This is built primarily to do Photoshop and occasional games, and designed to be able to upgrade components as new stuff becomes available so I can strewtch those dollars as far as they'll go. :)
True. My brother put a bunch of stuff in his like changing lights and 5 fans I think. In the end though it costed him about $1300. I thought he was crazy!
Even at MSRP pricing, a "top of the line" system can easily top 3 grand not including thing slike moitors, keyboards, etc. With the current scarcity of specific components, you can easily be pushing 5 grand and thats IF you can find all the parts you want. 1300 is honestly a modest upgrade, and is along the lines of what a reasonably priced prebuilt (like from Dell or HP) would cost to buy new. I know that may sound crazy, but hey, at least is isn't camera gear pricing! :)

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