What killed my duck?

I would set out a game camera with motion censor and tie carcass down.
I agree, I have several game cameras in different spots on my property. Since putting up the cameras, I am amazed at the number of predators I have seen. I see at least one most nights on one of the cameras. Right now here it is breeding season for most of the predators so I am seeing more and more during the day. I hadn't had a loss in years except recently. Somehow a predator got one of the gates open to one of the pens and killed a couple of birds and this week I lost my very special bird. The one that got the gate open came back the next night and tried again. I had some wire attached to the bottom of the gate post that was inside the gate. The next morning the wire was on the outside of the gate so something tried to open it again but this time I had the gate wired shut. Lately we have been having some fog so I didn't get it on camera but it did set the camera off. My special bird was free ranging when she was taken close to the house. I do have a trap set but nothing yet. I put some chicken we processed in the trap as bait.
Here is a video at that same coop.
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Dog, coyote, bobcat. Could be loads of larger animals. Definitely not a raccoon or opossum. Where do you live? That could determine what could have done it.
How do we know when a raccoon kills a duck?

Friend lost a female muscovy, something killed it dragged it 100 feet but then could not get it over or under a fence left and never came back. This was couple of years ago. The predator never came back to eat it.
I have had raccoons and even Opossums drag a carcass to eat it elsewhere. It is not typical but the predators are flexible. I even busted a small Opossum drag a carcass away in response to my approach. Camera told story well. Same Opossum proved to be a habitual mover of eats and still does even 8 months later.
hi hi everyone thank you so much for all the input we just went on a walk to the creek and found all kinds of interesting things that we did not know about it turns out very close to where the ducks like to swim and very close to the kill where we found Penelope we found a secret then with lots and lots of fur looks like some different animals maybe it killed recently I'm surprised I never saw the den because it was very very very close to where do you like to swim
Also a few feet away from the den and where the ducks like to swim on that part of the creek we found a sliver of rabbit fur that had a piece of Flesh torn on it like fresh meat it looked like the size of my palm it had a little piece of muscle still to it also we found tracks it looks like maybe there's two suspects that were thinking about we found traces of two things maybe an animal and some sort of Big Bird we saw a trail leading across the creek where we found Penelope it looks like Penelope made a run for it across the creek maybe or I don't know we found poop leading that direction and then we found a big pile of bird poop look like a big Splat right on a big rock a few inches away where we found Penelope dead I think I took some pictures
hi hi everyone thank you so much for all the input we just went on a walk to the creek and found all kinds of interesting things that we did not know about it turns out very close to where the ducks like to swim and very close to the kill where we found Penelope we found a secret then with lots and lots of fur looks like some different animals maybe it killed recently I'm surprised I never saw the den because it was very very very close to where do you like to swim
Ya got a trap?
The pictures of Penelope's feathers all in a pile I think moved around last night it was more in a pile and then it seem to scatter down the creek a little bit this morning more than it was yesterday

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