What to do with her? (Escape Artist)

Our bantam cochin named Rusty #2 has escaped her yard so many times that I've now lost count. We keep adding more netting, double checking sealed holes, etc..
Nothing keeps her inside.

She's spending more time inside our house than out in her yard due to her not sleeping in the coop.
She's the only who escapes and if she keeps it up, she'll end up getting killed by either our 8 month old female dog or our 7-8 year old female dog. Luckily our 6-7 year old male dog leaves them alone.

My request to just keep her as an indoor hen has already been denied.
I'm not getting rid of her either unless my friend's parents agree to take her.

What should I do to keep her safe and secured?

Thanks in advance!

I see you mentioned you never clip your chickens wings. As a general principle, that's fine. But for this particular girl, you might want to reconsider and do a full bilateral clip.
I too was remiss to clip wings to keep my flock in their electrified pen. Over the course of three days I started out clipping a single wing, primaries only on the worst offenders. They all got out the next day. I continued going with more aggressive clips including both wings and both primaries and secondaries in various combinations based on how easily a specific bird was escaping. On the third day, before getting really aggressive with the clipping, one of my EEs escaped and was killed by the neighbors German Shepherd.
It only takes one meeting for the bird and any predator outside the enclosure for disaster to strike.
I'm going to just put her into the small enclosed run where I had planned on putting our Silkies. She'll be fine by herself until I figure something out. I may put Tiny(Bantam Cochin) in with her since they grew up together anyway.

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