What treat did your chickies get today?

Mine got the left over seed form my small bird aviary. All the seeds my finches and other birds hate my chickens love?!

They also got some cucumber and a couple of dragon fruits that I had in the fridge too long.
My girls got plums, peaches and fresh corn today. The fruit was just a bit too ripe for my taste but they ate it right up. As an afternoon/evening treat they got some fresh corn and cheese - just the way they like it.
They got some over-ripe tomato's from the garden and a handful of BOSS. Yesterday they had a snake but they scratched that up on their own - I sure didn't give it to them!

That's the weirdest thing, our chickens absolutely LOVE tomatoes! And earwigs, we've made a trap to attract earwigs for the girls each morning. It's hilarious, they go wild !
Yesterday I tried strawberries and later on, some cooked carrots. They didn't like either one :( So, reckon I'll just keep the berries for us and the carrots will go to the dogs. Oh, tried potato peels too (no green)...that went over like a lead balloon. They do seem to love the dandelions, which is a good thing! Think I'll hit the market in a bit and see if I can scrounge some cuttings for them. Also, have a couple ears of corn in the fridge that are getting a little dried out for my taste. Think I'll toss them in and see what they do.
Leftover ground turkey with white kidney beans was a hit.

I cleaned out the pantry and mixed up a bucket of treats: steel cut oats, bran, three grain porridge, Cream of Wheat, and bit of instant tapioca. In the fall I could probably cook it and serve it warm.

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