What treat did your chickies get today?

mickey328, I will look back through my Backyard Poultry Magazines and try to find the article on those beets. Yes, I guess chickens vary like people. Mine snub their noses at lettuce, but love some of the weeds that grown along my driveway.
That's very kind, Stumpy, thanks! If I can find some seed, I might throw a few in the garden next year for 'em. Wonder if they're good for pickling too...if so I'd put in more...lots for the girls and some for us ;)
CUCUMBERS! And Tomorrow I'm Definitley bringing a plastic baggie to school, so i can put some bananna Peels or bananas or whatever i (and my BFFS) Dont eat, so they can have those. :) Slip it silently into my sweater pocket! LOL!!
Thanks Stumpy.  If there's one thing I've learned, it's that they're all individuals!  Most folks say theirs go crazy for strawberries; mine won't touch them.  Lots of folks say theirs don't like oats and mine go crazy for them.  So, I'm just muddling along...give them whatever I have and if they eat it, I continue to give it...if not...compost here it comes, LOL.

I am doing the same thing. Trial and error and hope for the best. So far the only thing the girls refused were potatoes.
Sardines, rolled oats, yoghurt and snow peas. You might know these as sugar snap peas. Here in Sydney, Australia, we are coming into spring so the veggie garden has kicked back in. I notice many of you commenting on the arrival of fall and the drop off in vegetables - in a few months, I will be doing the same!

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