Whats up with Doodle! Edit: She's recovering


Jul 1, 2020
Small town in Western Washington
My Coop
My Coop
Just went outside to check on the chickens, and found Doodle puffed up in the coop. She had has her wings puffed out away from her body, and shook and clucked when I called for her. I immediately brought her inside thinking it may be hypothermia. Our temperatures recently dropped to 15 degrees overnight this week. -3 early this morning, currently 15 degrees fahrenheit. I've had her inside for about 10 minutes with little improvement.
I think her pupils are dilated which has me very concerned. She wont open her eyes much so I can't really tell. Her head is pushed back into her body, and neck feathers are puffed up. She's still puffed up, and sitting by the fire, not in direct heat. She's below the glass frame. She is standing, and has use of her legs. No other symptoms that make me think AVL.
I have food in front of her, but she hasn't eaten any. Can't tell if she can see.
Any suggestions? Should I try a hair dryer? Anything else I should check? Thank you so much for any suggestions.
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Update: She just started eating some mushy starter crumble, looking around a bit, but her pupils do seem dilated. She just had a squirt, clear/white poop. Not sure if thats due to more water than food since I haven't fed her yet today, or something else? Smudge also started pooping the same liquid before she died.
She's slightly less puffed up, but I'm really concerned about the dilated pupils.
She's also very weak. Not sure if she can see very well. She can see, but not very good. She's pecking at dry feed pieces on the floor as well as the wet feed.
Start with the most likely issue - hypothermia. It can produce all these symptoms. It would be good to rule it out.

You need to syringe, tube or encourage her to drink some warm sugar water with some poultry Nutri-drench mixed in. Dip her beak. If she won't drink, syringe or tube a quarter cup of the fluid into her. This will raise her glucose and warm her.

Continue to let her warm near the fire. If she looks to be losing consciousness, then warm her wing pits and breast area with a warm hair dryer.

If this is hypothermia, she should revive with the sugar water and feel like eating. Give her some scrambled egg.
Thank you @azygous! Just mixed up some sugar water with Nutri-drench. I don't have tube feeding supplies though I keep meaning to get some. We do have thin garden tubing, so I may be able to use that if she wont drink on her own. I think I can dip her beak and get her to drink enough though. I'll keep the updates coming.
She finished a 1/4c of mushy feed. Giving sugar/Nutri-drench water now.


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Update: She is drinking, not sure if I can get her to drink enough though. I'll keep working at it. If I can't get her to drink the whole 1/4c, do I need to tube feed?
Thanks @aart, I'll do some electrolyte water as well.
She just had a small, green, semi watery poop after eating.
Still drinking. Hopefully she'll take the whole 1/4c.
Thanks so much everyone!

Update: She just walked across the room to get to the food cup that I moved away so she wold drink. ;) She's perking up.

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