When do I know if I have boys or girls for chicks?


8 Years
Jun 27, 2011
I hatched 4 pea chicks this summer, they're almost 2 months old. Three of the chicks are getting some blueish/greenish feathers on their necks. Does this mean they are boys or can the females also get some color at this age? I know very little about peafowl in general. We have a pair of pet indian blues here on the farm where I work. This year was the first year our hen gave us fertile eggs.
Both the birds are 4 years old now.

These are our little peachickies! Pardon the terrible cell phone pictures.

I'm a novice at this but looks like the chick in the first picture to the far left is a hen. In the second picture the closes chick looks like a hen, a male in the middle, and the one in the far back I can't really tell. Try getting pictures of their backs. Cute chicks though!
Here are the babies today. They're so hard to photograph. lol They won't stay still for more than 2 seconds at the time...if that. lol
What do you guys look for when telling males & females a part? I have no clue what to look for??

Three of the chicks are starting to grow color on the back of their necks like this little one.

There's very little color growing there also.

This is a girl at around 7 weeks I believe, and girls like this get green feathers on this necks also.

This is a male the same age, notice the feathers how they still have the barring or strips

see all the barring
Ok, I'll go take a good look at all the babies and see who has barring and who doesn't. I think we might have 2 girls and 2 boys.

The one on the let would be a girl, one on right a boy?

Same here?
Top - Looks like girl left, boy right.
Bottom - Boy on right, but the left isn't obvious to me.

Disclaimer: Complete sexing/color novice!


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