When should we expect our "adopted" Canada goose to fly???


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 29, 2009
Central North Dakota
We have an orphaned Canada Goose that we have raised since about a day old. She is friends with the chickens and even our St. Bernard and Lab love her. She seems like she should be flying soon. She spreads those big wings and runs the farmyard with our 5 year old, but no flight-YET. She is about two months old now. Thanks!!!
Maybe never. A Canada goose raised from a gosling, especially by itself, is not likely at all to fly off. She may do some test flights at some point, she may not. She almost certainly won't go far though.
Great. I really wasn't planning to have to keep her forever, but I guess she may be here to stay. Thankfully all the chickens seem okay with her. It would sure be nice to see her fly, though.
It is a little early at only 2 months but without another flying bird around she may not learn to fly. If she runs in a straight line flapping her wings she may get off the ground one day by accident. This can be scary, and if she crashes on landing she may stay on the ground along with the chickens, dogs and humans. She just doesn't have an example to show her that flying is ok and to show her how to land safely and the other tricks of flight. And flight for geese is sort of "use it or lose it" thing, without using her wings the muscles won't develop and she may gain enough weight that she can't get off the ground. With flying muscovy to lead the way, all my geese learned to fly at least when they were young. most of the heavy breeds out grew it but at least they knew the joy of flying while they were young. I feel good about that.
Mine is flying now at 3-4 months. I believe she started flying more towards 2-3 months. (can't remember for sure). She now follows my car, flying right by the driver's window, which is getting to be a problem so I am trying desperatly to find her a friend that she can bond with to distract her from following me.
mine flew by the end of summer. they did some test flights around the property for a week or two before they flew off permanently. I assume they joined one of the many flocks of geese that flew past us during the fall migration.
We had a Canada goose named Lucy and we taught her to fly... well kinda! If you have a long driveway or stretch of land, I used to ride my bike as fast as I could pedal. Lucy would try to follow me by running but she soon started flapping her wings and flying right beside me.
Too bad we gave her to my neighbor who has a huge pond for her. My dad was not happy about her pooping on the driveway.

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