When to give up


7 Years
Aug 12, 2014
My peahen started laying eggs January 25th, on February 10th she had 9 eggs and started setting. About the end of February, while she was up eating, I noticed there are only 6 eggs. I figured she knew 3 were not viable, and pushed them away somewhere under the nesting material. So, I am thinking about the 10th of March I will have 6 peachicks. Well the 10th has come and gone, and she is still setting on the 6 eggs. Should I remove the eggs and hope that she will start another cluch or just remove the eggs and give up for this year? I live in the Philippines if it makes a difference.

Thanks, I will appreciate any and all help and suggestions.
Steve McGinnis
There is no other hen that is laid in this nest?
In general they 'hear' life in the egg, which is why they continue to brood!
When does the peacock breeding season begin in Philippines? ... the feathers of the peacocks have already fallen?
There is no other hen that is laid in this nest?
In general they 'hear' life in the egg, which is why they continue to brood!
When does the peacock breeding season begin in Philippines? ... the feathers of the peacocks have already fallen?
The peacock still has his train and still displays. I think mating season is like November to May or June. It is summer here all year.
I think tomorrow I will remove the eggs from the nest, (it will be 38 days). Hopefully, she will lay more and set on them and give me some peachicks.
The latest I have ever had an egg hatch was on day 32, that was in an incubator. It can be more difficult to determine the hatch time when a hen is setting as you never really know when she started in earnest. As Red stated above, candle them and remove. The eggs that the hen pushed out of the nest are usually smelling pretty bad.
Good point, thanks
Went to remove the eggs from the nest today but my peahen is apparently smarter than me. She has pushed four of the eggs out of the nest, and is now setting on only two. I guess I will just let her remidy the situation, since she apparently knows what she is doing. I will keep everyone posted as to the progress.
Well today, the other two eggs are out of the nest. I didn't have to candle any. The one's that she pushed out of the nest, were pecked at and broken but the cock, only to reveal a raw egg, so I guess none were viable. I went and bought about 70 meal worms for them, (he always displays when I bring them worms), and when I left he was displaying, but neither of the hens were paying any attention to him. Hahaha. Maybe after i left. Hopefully.

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