White Sport Cream Legbars


I didn't see all of those pictures on the Coop forum. Was there a page two? Could you point out some of the ambiguous ones from the pics above?

But yeah, mine just has a little brown on the head there and all white everywhere else.

Aloha, Puhi
Chick has no visible markings on it at all except that faint V on the head, no marks anywhere.
My white sport roo had really White spots on its head and back was whitish....
I guess time will tell for sure

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Chick has no visible markings on it at all except that faint V on the head, no marks anywhere.
My white sport roo had really White spots on its head and back was whitish....
I guess time will tell for sure

Sally Sunshine--I have to start out by saying that you take amazingly awesome photos! I can never seem to get a non-blurry picture of the feature I want unless the chicks are passed out under the heat lamp--so many kudos to you!

Very cute little trio you have. The bad news is that the white sport speaks 'boy' to me. I am seeing the start of a darker area at the top of the head, but about half way up the V disappears and is all just a mottled light patchiness. The back also seems really, really light with none of that darker color like you had at the front of the head. So my guess is boy. Hopefully a breeder who has experience hatching the sports will chime in and confirm.
Here are some update pictures of my recent white sports. The pictures were taken in the sun with a wind blowing while it was in the upper 30s for temperatures. So they were huddled and I had to take the pictures quickly.

White sport cockerel that was hatched on February 28. He now weighs 6.3 ounces.

White sport pullet was hatched on March 8. She now weighs 3.6 ounces.


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