White Sport Cream Legbars

Did it! Got the White Sport trio in their own pen today. We'll see if it holds out. I shoveled out 2 feet of snow to clear a path to the pen and then to clear some areas in the pen.... need some adult beverages tonight. I don't think I'll keep them. I have pair of juvie chicks coming the begining of April that I'll need to make room for but just want to see if I can get the eggs to hatch. -Blackbirds13

Looking forward to see how fertile they will be. I hope you keep them.

Aloha, Puhi
Aloha Maria,

Looking forward to see how the hatch turns out. I hope you keep them.

Aloha, Puhi

I'm interested to see how they work out. Just mainly curious since the majority of information leads one to believe that they are not a viable variety. I don't think I'll keep them long term. I don't want to have a lot of breeds to concentrate on. I have the land but not the desire. I have 2 breeds now and would be open to having 3 or 4 breeds but no more than that. I've gone ahead and pre-ordered some Cemani from a BYC member that may ship the end of March/beginning of April and that's a breed I'd really love to investigate more so than the White Sports. If they are viable I'll probably put them up for sale at some point. I'm interested to see the egg color for the Sports as my egg color seems to be more blue with this years batch and since I separated out the gold girls. I am going to crack them open for the next few days to check fertilization now and them in a few weeks before I put any in the incubator to see if the white sport is doing his duty. I may also test some of my cream girls with the boy depending on what pops out as I start hatching eggs this spring.
Aloha, I mated my cream boy with my white sport. Eggs seem viable. Gold boy's sperm could be in there too though. So we'll have to wait a few more weeks until I can be sure. I'm finally gonna be a dad!

Aloha, Puhi
Originally Posted by tadkerson

second question- Did anybody hatch white females and normal colored males from mating a white male with a normal colored female.

third question- Has anybody mated a white crested legbar with a silkie? If so were all of the chicks white?


Tim is probably asking this to help determine more information about the genetics of the white showing up in CLs.

Saturday attended a genetics seminar in Morganton NC. One of the topics was the bird in the UK called the 'gold top' -- It may be the most heterozygous bird there is - A bantam silver sussex (I think from memory) paired with a full-sized silky cockerel (In UK they have Silkies that are standard sized, I think in the USA ours are all bantam)--- The silky although white in appearance was genetically gold. The offspring were sex-linked. The females are used there as broodies. They prefer broodies to incubators....and these birds ALL have crests, smooth feathers, white-ish males and gold females...5-toes, feathered legs, (I think black-skin is dominant over the light ones, but I don't recall) etc. etc. Each dominant gene shows - but the birds carry the recessives. They have hybrid vigor and it is a way that they can get genetic charactistics that they want - because they know that the genes that ARE recessive are there...

It was a pretty interesting concept to me.

Rinda, You're a grandma! Again? Could she be a sport?

Top picture, she's the one on the left. The others are from California.
2nd picture, she's the one in the forefront.
Bottom two is mommy. It's been muddy and her roo has been riding her back. Chicken coop surfing USA!
Two daddy's. One is creamy, one is slightly goldish. We'll just use just the creamy guy next week.

This one was just a test hatch, 3 more on Friday.

Stay tuned........

Aloha, Puhi

Rinda, You're a grandma! Again? Could she be a sport?

Top picture, she's the one on the left. The others are from California.
2nd picture, she's the one in the forefront.
Bottom two is mommy. It's been muddy and her roo has been riding her back. Chicken coop surfing USA!
Two daddy's. One is creamy, one is slightly goldish. We'll just use just the creamy guy next week.

This one was just a test hatch, 3 more on Friday.

Stay tuned........

Aloha, Puhi

Your chick pictures are all normal colored cream legbars. No sports in those chic pics.
I agree
I am not Steen but I am sure he wont mind me jumping in...

First, No CL female has ever looked like that, so I can tell you 100% that thats not a CL female. anybody that has ever hatch CL either from GFF or from the UK have ever hatch a chick like that...

second whats to know about the white CL "Sport"? everything about recessive white has been documented and its a well known and documented gene...., any crosses made with this so called sports have produce normal looking cream legbars(if crossed to normal looking legbars) but WHY? its simple the recessive white gene needs to have two copies for it to show, with only one copy any cross made to CL or other breed will produce normal colored chicks and adults...


the recessive white cream legbars are not some mystery unknown magic breed of chickens, infact they just started to pop out of normal looking cream legbars, what does this tell you? that there is no difference between normal looking cream legbars and cream legbars carrying only one copy of the recessive white gene, so no, you will not be able to tell them apart at chics,

and recessive white legbars can be sexed at hatch, they are still autosexable..

a while ago I made a thread at the coop forums on how to autosex or tell the recessive white chick sex apart... using chicks that hatch out of normal looking parent..

here is the link of the source: http://www.the-coop.org/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=108116

and somof of the pics..









and how to tell them apart(males from females)

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