Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

Congrats Chickenprincess, I'm still waiting over here.
My dog killed two of my girls this week
. Now I'm down to 2 bsl, 1 gsk, and my silkie pair
My 2 little Welsummers will be 23 weeks on Monday and no eggs yet. My cat has taken to sleeping in the nesting box, figuring, I suppose, that since nobody else is using it he may as well. Sure hope they start soon. This waiting is awful!
Thanks, everyone, for your support. I'm really heartened to hear that we are not the only ones still waiting! The good news is that my spouse heard the egg song this morning, which is at least a move in the right direction! I will be sending good thoughts to my own and everyone else's chickens that aren't laying that they do so very soon. I do ask them every day, as I give them special treats, to please lay an egg
Most of mine are 25 weeks. I've two older than one year but only one laying for some reason. Nothing but a single egg per day. Geez..

C'mon ladies! :)
Got my 3rd egg today!!!!! Not sure but think it was from another of my 17 wk old Blk sex links. Late this morning I heard the egg song from inside the house and tore outside only to find no eggs but one of my RIR's practicing her song. Just cracks me up, that song. I even sat outside the chicken house with iced tea and a book for a while, keeping one eye peeled on the nest boxes. I'd been shoveling rock around the run panels so I was on break. lol Found the egg late in the afternoon. I' expecting at least two eggs tomorrow. They'll probably all lay while we are at church. Life is exciting around here!!
Is it possable for one hen to lay two eggs about 1-5 hours apart or do I have another layer? One of our hens daisy laid a perfect little second egg than (well I think she was the one who laid it) a soft shelled egg that broke when i held it.

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