Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

Hi. My Gals Will Be 16 Weeks In Another Week.have A Bo.br.ee. And An Ee Roo.all Same Age.the Br Has Very Red Wattles,comb,just A Real Red Face.they Moved Into Their New Digs 2 Days Ago.they Seem To Like It .i Have A Feeling That The Br Will Lay Soon.i Put A Golf Ball Into One Nest They All Checked It Out.but About An Hour Ago I Found The Br In The Nest.fussing With The Ball.she Seemed To Be Building Up The Area Around The Ball With Shavings.also She In Preening Her Vent, From Under Her Chest,her Girl Friend The Bo Is Standing With The Roo As If To Guard Her. I Hope Maybe In The Am There Will Be A Suprise. I'm Another One That Can't Wait To Be Grandpa. To Follow.
No, my chickens are kept in a run. It's a huge run, but I can't allow them to free range over here. My neighbors are really *$&$^#&#. They actually tried to report me to animal control for the noise, but our parish has no ordinances against having chickens, but the AC did give me a ticket for having flies in the yard!! Can you believe it?! One day, when I get out of this neighborhood, I will let them go free. Husband seriously wants to get a few peacocks just to tick them off even more

Thanks all on the nice comments!
We keep making noise about moving back to Louisiana. Being a California girl, the back-to-back slap we got with Katrina and then Rita was plenty enough for me, thank you very much. Still, it's beautiful there & would be a great place to raise chooks!

We are *very* hopeful to have an egg in the next 1-2 days. Our leghorn was actively squatting and rearranging all the nesting material in the boxes all day yesterday! I'm so excited.... better late than never!
She's 21 weeks, which is kinda late for a leghorn to be laying. Maybe I can grdauate from this thread & that'd be way cool!
Man everybody is gunna graduate this thread before me! ::pouts:: I am gunna start shaking a clever at my chickens tomorrow morning, work up their initative a little bit hahaha.

No, I will still be here (lurking if not posting my impatience).....

I think most of my chickens are 6 months old (???)​
Adora, you and I are on the watchful-waiting mode together! I am fairly certain I'll have one in a day or so, though. The leghorn is just itchin' to drop one out. She's been squawking so loud for so many days now, I fear it'll be emu-sized when she's finally able to let it out! Morgan7782 is in this waiting boat with us... she lives near me and her birds are almost the exact same age as mine, so we have been comparing notes almost daily !! She has taken some really wonderful pictures of my girls (she's awesome with the camera, dudes... though I took the pic below with my phone). We should probably hire her to do a formal portrait of our first egg hahahahaha!!!

Here's the girl that's about to give us an egg:


Doesn't she just look SO ready?? We're hoping it'll be today! She's already out there squawking her fool head off this morning. I should go check pretty soon... I usually go out around 8:30 let them out of their run and start their day. Maybe there will be an egg in the henhouse/run this morning! That would be so awesome. I'll keep y'all posted.

Hang in there, Adora and Morgan... we'll all have eggs soon!
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My wait is over.... kinda sorta!

She laid 2 eggs this morning, but neither of them really had a shell. One was on top of the nesting boxes, and the other one was on the floor of the coop. The one on top of the nesting boxes had a soft, paper-like shell which apparently broke immediately when she laid it. I hear this isn't uncommon for first eggs, right??

Ok, now I need an egg I can actually eat.

Here's the shelless egg from the coop floor:

She's already squawking again... maybe we'll get one with a shell on it today! The rest of the girls I'm sure will be laying in a couple of weeks... should I just make the switch now to layer food? They're 21 weeks... it should be okay, huh?
Congrats on your first egg! Do you supplement oyster shell with their feed? As soon as I get a first egg, I'm going to switch to layer food and start adding a little bowl of oyster shells...

Meanwhile Buffy, the 20something, is walking around chanting: bu-bu-bu-gaw-gaw-gawk, bu-bu-bu-gaw-gaw-gawk. I'm hoping that's a sign...
I put out oyster shell just this last week & everybody eats it EXCEPT Felipa (the leghorn that laid the shelless eggs this morning). I just refilled their feeder yesterday with grower food but am going to dump it out and switch them to layer food this morning before I start work. Such an eggciting day!

And it sounds like your girl is about to lay.... that's what Felipa was doing the last 2 days! Then she started tearing up the nesting material and rearranging it. Within 24 hours, we had our first egg... kinda. LOL.
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