Who else is waiting the impossible wait?

Sorry for the semi-cross-post:

ok, now I realize I have taken the stalking thing to a whole new category of personal-space-invasion, but I have had a peek at everybody's fluffy bums, and they all have identical vents, some even very damp.
Surely this is proof of them all being girls???
Vent = girl, yes???
Oh, and they all squat, now, except for Mathilda (the suspected roo from my Russell Crowe post), who is just not having any of it. She does have her very own damp vent, tho.
All chickens have a vent. The fancy word for it is "cloaca". Mating (both sexes), defecation, and urination all occur through the same opening.

You still may have all girls, though... time will tell.
How old are they? I hope they turn out to be all girls, if that is what you are hoping (and I am guessing from your post, it is).

Keep us posted.
16 weeks today, and one of the Dominiques is getting really bright red in the face, her comb seems to have grown overnight and is really much redder, and so are her wattles. Maybe she will be the first to lay? When she's good and ready, of course!

(Yes, that is the sound of fingers tapping impatiently on the desktop! LOL)
We got our fourth egg today. Those leghorns are powerhouses! She has been laying everyday since she started (although I admit it hasn't been that long). They are 18 weeks and none of the other 15 have laid at all. I'm predicting we get a full dozen of leghorn eggs before we get any others!

Me !!!!! I have had the worst luck with silkies. I buy 5 and 4 turn out to be roos so I trade these for more chicks and the 4 I trade 3 turn out to be roos. See the pattern. So the cycle continues and finally I think I have 4 hens and they are 5 months so hopefully eggs soon after 1 year of trading and raising roos !!!!

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