Who has Call ducks ?

Yeah I will, I keep asking my husband about it and he says he will write you back. He has been busy messing with our new swans and the pool in with our wild ducks. I will ask again! Like I said I only have a pair or each so I can only send a few eggs cause I don't want them to be old when they get to you.
I am just selling the mandarin eggs for now, I am going to try and hatch the others to swap for new blood to build up a stock.
Not to discourage you or anything, but shipping wild duck eggs and expecting them to hatch is a long shot. Just remember that if the buyer cant get them to hatch, sometimes they wont be happy and leave bad feedback about your farm. Not saying this always happens, but just something to think about.
Yeah that is true but someone expressed an interest on buying them I am not offering them to everyone, but buying hatching eggs is always at your own risk I don't even want to think about all the money I have spent on exotic eggs that didn't hatch.
:th I spent $80 on four Mikado pheasant eggs and had one hatch then it died shortly after.

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