
5 Years
Jan 26, 2019
Funny title, serious question.

I've noticed my old girl, my 5yo Barbu D'Anvers Cross, Georgia, her butt looks like it's getting big. Compared to her daughter and my Silkie girls, their butts don't look like hers.

Now Georgia has hit Henopause, she hasn't laid an egg since last year, but hasn't lost any of her spunk or personality. She maintains her Top Hen status despite her size, and even tries (often failing) fighting off my Silkie Roo when he mounts one of the others. She'll even charge my other Silkie Roo when he steps out of line.

Lately though, I've noticed her go into the coop to nest, but not lay eggs. I'm assuming that's normal behavior as she hasn't shown any male traits. But her booty's looking a bit big. She isn't acting egg bound, still herself, still eating and drinking, no worse for wear. Her crown is still ruby red, eyes bright, alert, everything. Is this normal for an old hen, or is this something I should worry about? (I could also be stupid and not notice she's always been like this, I've been going through a lot recently.)

Does it feel like it's filled with water?

ETA: She's very pretty! I love that breed!
No, it doesn't feel that squishy. I compared her to her daughter (who is what I call a Barbu Silkie), and it feels the same. When I do carefully press, she doesn't act like she's in pain or anything.

And thank you, she is perfect borb Xd
No, it doesn't feel that squishy. I compared her to her daughter (who is what I call a Barbu Silkie), and it feels the same. When I do carefully press, she doesn't act like she's in pain or anything.

And thank you, she is perfect borb Xd
I'd keep an eye on it. If she starts walking with her tail down, it will likely be ascites, which is fluid retention in the abdomen. Ascites is a symptom of something bad, like reproductive disorders or incurable diseases.

Have you weighed her? Is she maybe just overweight?
I'd keep an eye on it. If she starts walking with her tail down, it will likely be ascites, which is fluid retention in the abdomen. Ascites is a symptom of something bad, like reproductive disorders or incurable diseases.

Have you weighed her? Is she maybe just overweight?
Oh boy, sounds like I should book a vet visit for her.

I don't weigh anyone, sadly (I don't have a reliable scale, and no one holds still XD). But I know how "heavy" everyone feels; I check everyone's crops before bed, so I normally notice weight differences then. She still has a perfect weight. I guess I should've mentioned too that when feeling her butt, it feels firm, same with her daughter.
A vet visit might be good. It may be nothing, but peace of mind is priceless. If she feels the same as her daughter, it's probably ok.

Just FYI: I use a fish scale to weigh my birds - haha! I put them in a reusable shopping bag and hang it from the scale (I zero it out to account for the weight of the bag). But it sounds like you have a system figured out.
A vet visit might be good. It may be nothing, but peace of mind is priceless. If she feels the same as her daughter, it's probably ok.

Just FYI: I use a fish scale to weigh my birds - haha! I put them in a reusable shopping bag and hang it from the scale (I zero it out to account for the weight of the bag). But it sounds like you have a system figured out.
Yeah, I'm hoping it's nothing if she's acting fine. I was more worried it could be some kind of egg buildup 'cause of her nesting urges.

Oh, that might be a good idea! Haha, yeah, it may not be the best system, but I somehow have mental notes of how everyone feels. I do try to interact with them when I can ( I work 4 days/week), and I have Wyze Cams too.
It could just be a fat pad. I recently had my RIR in to the vet for Bumblefoot, and she informed me that she is overweight, the booty area is one place they carry excess fat.
A fat pad, huh? Never thought Georgia could be overweight, but maybe something's finding its way. But, never a bad if it is and she builds one, thinking about winter; she'd probably be warmer.

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