Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Yep, my window date for the garden is usually May 15....think it will be later than that here too. If it's in before the bash, that will work ok and won't be to late either.

good afternoon, I saw the sun.. for you who don't know what it looks like, it is a big yellow ball hanging in the sky..
still windy and cold, though.

I transplanted 28 Roma tomato seedlings from the flat to the individual styro coffee cups. It worked like a charm,
I poked 3 pencil holes in the bottom of the cup, put in the dirt and seedling, watered it real good and then stuck the cup inside of another cup which has no holes. It hangs in there real nicely and there is a half inch of space under the holes for drainage.

I have to pick up more cups.

i seen it too Jim!!!!! Then I blinked and it's gone. Gonna do some pig pen cleaning today and spruce up the house a bit. Re forecast looks like I'll have my new shed coop all done by the end of the weekend and the pigs out of the garage and in their new bachelorette pad.
Good to hear that the piggys are doin good cw. Nothing like a nice building for the critters. I could use a 3rd coop here, but decided that two are enough to care for. I was going to hatch some more this year, but decided to wait and be able to consolidate birds next year and free up one coop for some newbies then. I give all my eggs away to needed folks, and if egg numbers drop next year, it will only be temporary till I can give them away some more in the future.

i found a nest yesterday in a calf hutch I had. 17 eggs in that bad boy! Put an end to that in a hurry. I still got Wyandottes on the brain. Might take a ride to neilsville next weekend to get a few new girls if everything works out. Another night playing bachelor while the wife's out of town. I love me some me time .
Checking in on the Cheesehead thread, nice to 'meet' you guys. I can report that I did in fact see some blue sky this evening, maybe we can have a few more days of it? I want to get going on the coop, girls need to go outside!

Speaking of, any tips on cheaper lumber or what-have-you needed for the coop would be appreciated, I'm SW of Milwaukee but don't mind driving if the price is right.
Checking in on the Cheesehead thread, nice to 'meet' you guys.  I can report that I did in fact see some blue sky this evening, maybe we can have a few more days of it?  I want to get going on the coop, girls need to go outside!  

Speaking of, any tips on cheaper lumber or what-have-you needed for the coop would be appreciated, I'm SW of Milwaukee but don't mind driving if the price is right.
If your looking for a cheaper setup there's some pretty cool pallet chicken coop plans online. Generally pallets=free. You would probably only need to purchase minimal materials after that
Still need to get the counter offer..... if we get this property I think I will have a stroke. It is everything we have ever wanted. Hills, valleys, a little stream, machine shed,... the only thing that needs a change is the house. Anyway, we will keep you posted!
Checking in on the Cheesehead thread, nice to 'meet' you guys. I can report that I did in fact see some blue sky this evening, maybe we can have a few more days of it? I want to get going on the coop, girls need to go outside!

Speaking of, any tips on cheaper lumber or what-have-you needed for the coop would be appreciated, I'm SW of Milwaukee but don't mind driving if the price is right.

Welcome cat! Hope you like it here on the Cheesehead thread.

I saw a bit of blue sky today too but it was very fleeting. We are supposed to get frost tonight.
The pear & pawpaw trees are loaded with blooms. Some of the apples too.
Still need to get the counter offer..... if we get this property I think I will have a stroke. It is everything we have ever wanted. Hills, valleys, a little stream, machine shed,... the only thing that needs a change is the house. Anyway, we will keep you posted!

Are you referring to the one with the log house?

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