Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Info for POW here

Hey thanks for the welcome. My urban homestead, if you can call Nelsonville Urban, is coming along and kind of interesting. I think I am going to take those chucker eggs and put them under one of my brody hens. Life here is becomming one big experiment. The hardest part of all of this though is getting my bird dog pup not to be interested in the birds in the yard. He recently proudly brought me one of my hens. Had her by the tail. I took her and she is fine. The dog still is too. lol. Actually I think he has finally become bored with them. I hope one of those meet and greets happens this summer.
BBP, I so agree with bl4. That would be a perfect pic of the week! Too funny! And quite the good looking bird too. I love the feathering.
I love the feather duster story, bl4. That made me chuckle picturing that one. That's a really good idea, too. Sorry about your eggs. I'm hoping you have better luck with the next ones.

Jim, sorry to hear that. I had no idea. I don't know if I could ever do all that incubating stuff. I'm too much of a woosie. I really give you all alot of credit. That seems like a lot of work & stress.
Jerry, I bet that hen had plenty to say about that dog of yours.

Check out this link for the annual meet & greet. It's coming up quick on June 24th to the 26th.
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BL4 - I haven't been having much luck with the eggs I've been setting lately either. I know that my mom and sisters don't collect any eggs until the END of the day, so I think all the eggs are getting too hot in the sun during the day, and the temperature shock of bringing them inside and storing them in a cool place is killing them before I even set them!
I do have a promising-looking batch that's due literally 2 days before the bash though. Fingers crossed.

Despite the heat, we threw our bbq today. A couple of my family members didn't show up because of the heat, but we had my mom and grandpa, my younger sisters, Will's parents and his grandparents. We did ribs and brats on the grill.
The heat actually wasn't too bad. We set up some lawn chairs and a table underneath the shade of a big tree in the front yard and there was a nice breeze to keep us comfortable the whole time. Even with two A/C's running inside, it was nicer outside in the shade.
Unfortunately, Will had to work a 16 hour shift overnight last night, come home and grill and visit with family, and he just headed BACK to work about an hour ago on just ONE HOUR of sleep. He was going to call in sick, but when he fell asleep for that one hour he missed the deadline to call in - calling in after that would've gotten him written up, and he's still waiting to hear back about that promotion, so he refuses to do anything to get written up!
Made him a big mug of coffee before he left, so I'm hoping he'll be okay.

I'm up to 7 babies in the brooder right now, and 7 (possibly 8, but I think the 8th one died in the shell sometime earlier today) eggs still hatching in the 'bator. I now have TWO of those mysterious pale little Buff-colored Call ducklings (I know that they're not Whites and they're not Apricots...), 3 Blue Bibbed Call ducklings, 1 Dusky Hookbill, and 1 Bibbed Hookbill. The two in the front of the picture JUST came out of the 'bator, so they're still a little wet.

happy hot evening! My car thermometer said 99 today and DH down in MS said that it was "only" 94 there! NO FAIR!..No air conditioning here either BigZ! You made me laugh when I saw the picture of chickens in and out in my head! How funny! THe last farm animal I had loose in my house was a little goat and it peed on my couch...now if we have anything in they are in a cage!
Jim--I must have gotten really lucky with my turkeys last year...I traded 6 goslings for 6 turkeys--they all made it to adulthood until a foster dog and her pups ate one when it landed in their pen! I bet if I would have paid actual $$ for them half would have died...Murphy's Law ya know!

Hey Raim...if you are going to put "these are my eggs" saying...how about "Git yur own!" If you dont want to use the word your? (and the GIT just matches with that) THanks...just another pet peeve of mine...

I wonder if it will be any cooler upstairs in bed? I dont know if I even want to find out...tomorrow my friend is coming over at 8 to finish the garden! Yeah--Help! (sure hope I can find the rest of my seeds!!!) My tiller is STILL at the doctor...I am not happy at all! I got another seeper hose and it doesnt work as well as the first one I got...what is up with that? I seem to be able to make a normal hose leak...they cant MAKE one that does? Have to take a look at it again tomorrow.

OK--gonna go up and check the weather up there...sure hope I dont fry in my sleep! See you tomorrow Carol? Looking forward to it...or maybe I am just looking forward to the drive in my air conditioned car?

Sweet dreams everyone!!! Terri O
I swear every call I have hatched so far is bibbed. Is that the dominant gene?????

Those two calls are getting along like two brothers. BOTH are picking at each other! One bites one in the bill and then the other one does it back..... one bites a foot, the other does it back....
it is like my kids but miniatures.....

SF, I have eggs due to hatch the day BEFORE the bash..... wondering if they will make it on time
So far, I have no idea if any of the babies that have hatched are from my pastel call...... I do not have any pale yellow babies yet. That last one that hatched has the coolest stripe going down the exact center of it's bill. I have to get pics up soon for all of you.....

Jerry, you are sure funny calling Nelsonville 'urban'.... 171 people?????
Nice people though, love that park and the area around the Mill.

Ok, off to bed so I can make it into Oshkosh in the early AM.
Well, there's a dominant bib gene and a recessive bib gene, but the dominant one is linked to extended black, and all your Calls are Extended Black-based except for the Pastel (she's Mallard-based). So, yes - in your case, the bib is dominant and pretty much inevitable in all the ducklings! All mine too.

With my Dutch Hookbills, they're Dusky-based, so their bib is recessive.

I think I've figured out my little buff-colored ducklings! I love duck color genetics.
I think my Black drake is "hiding" a single copy of a chocolate dilution (which only the drakes can do, the hens can't be carriers, it's a sex-linked gene), and these ducklings are basically Blue Bibbed with an added Chocolate dilution which is lightening them up more. Blue + Chocolate on an Extended Black base is called "Lilac". So I think they're most likely Bibbed Lilacs. And, because of the way the sex-linked gene works, if they ARE Lilacs, they're also both girls!
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DrH... It sure looks like Juniper (red cedar) to me. Might be that the new shoots are prickly and some people are sensitive to the the oils. If you bring a small branch to the bash maybe I could tell better. I always bring books to identify plants when I go bye-bye.

So sorry to here people are still having losses, I was hoping after the weekend that would be it for awhile.

Welcome newbies!

Man have the girls been going through the water! I wish chickens could cool off in water like ducks, but they only want to drink it and they have been hanging out under the bushes.

I don't think "miss broody" hasn't moved a muscle! She's flattened out on those eggs and is not budging. I put a piece of watermelon next to her, all she has to do is stretch a little to get it. Could the eggs get too hot with this weather?
BL4 and SF all this talk about bibbed calls is getting into my dreams and I wake up thinking about birds and then I get on the site here and read about them!

So I'll ask, are call hens any noisier than a Pekin hen? I can hear mine from quite a distance (neighbors say they like it) Please tell the truth!

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