Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

yeah she found her way back to you

just returned home from the kids doing the 4-H float- had a nice group of kids who came to help so they were done in no time!

now just to finish making up the bags of candy to throw to the parade watchers, doing about 400 snack bags with 3 pieces of candy each telling kids when our next meeting is.
Good rainy day everyone! Just stopping in to say hi. Life's good here. Just got done making chili and beer bread. Great meal for a crummy day. Even though we can't go outside and play days like these are nice just to sit and be together. Made a batch of sticky buns too today and they are great. Nothing else new to report here. I was thinking of getting rid of my blue cochin roo, anyone interested? Free to a good home. He is a good boy, but I just have one to many. Also Sweetfolly do you still want that black boy? If so let me know, the timing sucked for both of us a couple months ago, but now would work for me. By the way, the pair I got from you at the bash are doing great. Chuck is the sweetest chicken I have, a big scardy cat, but sooo nice. Hides behind me when I'm down there and waits everynight for me to put him in the coop. Let me know if you still want that blk boy, if not thats ok I will just try to find him another home. Well take care everyone!
Oh bigz- hope you feel better soon!
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Happy to hear the good Dr. reports for Vicki and Brent
We didn't get rain till about 4:30pm, YEA Packers !!!!! I have been getting things ready for a rummage sale at my sisters house next weekend. She lives in Freedom and they do a town wide one each Spring and Fall. It's funny how I always find more stuff to put on the sale every year. Especially the clothes that somehow shrink in the closet ??????
We price to sell so we don't have much left to give to St Vincent. Jim, happy to hear your peahen made it home and Happy Anniversary to both you and Anne. BigZ and Suzie why is the extra light stressful to the hens? I put a light in the coop over winter for heat, will that have an ill effect on them also? Thought last weeks egg was big but we topped that one with a 4 oz. egg this week. Sure hope we don't loose a hen do to the big eggs. A friend of mine from Ireland said her nanny had chickens and one died from laying to big of eggs ? Can that be? What the he%$ can you do about it? You get what you get
We have two apples trees and two plumb trees and nothing !
There are apple trees on the neighbors prop that produce a ton. Any help with that ? Our trees are side by side. FT your such a great animal lover to take in all those animals
BC good to hear from you, Chilli sounds yummy
BBP sure wish we were adding on but I only had DH build a coop with the thought of 4 and now I have 13 and he won't add on (yet) so winter will be close for them, hopefully not to close.

Well gotta finish the laundry and odds and ends for the week. Have a nice evening, Susie
You're kidding, right? Or do you consider Cind to be the first post of the day?

Happy anniversary & many more! You sure know how to show a gal a good time, don'tcha? DH & my anniversary was the 14th.
Cind, so glad your guinea was ok. MLH was setting up bash details, not WCC. Easy mixup around here.

About time you rejoined us. Isn't Boston a bit far for a Dr. visit?
How is your son's restaurant coming along? Are they rebuilding?
Tom, that whole roo thing just sounds odd to me. How old are your girls? One roo for 9 gals will be fine. That's what I have. And it won't matter how taut the tarps are if you get some wet snow: it'll cave. Best to put some supports under those tarps. And I never have extra light for my girls other than a heat lamp in the coop in the winter, but that's just me.
Awesome news, Bigz & Seein eye Suzie! Wow, you must have some industrial sized freezers. Wish we had that kind of room. Bigz, you definitely called it right on the game. Sure started out kinda scary, though. And so glad Collins has feeling & movement everywhere. That was another scary moment.
Could you imagine how many pages Bigz would have to catch up on in 4 weeks?????

Glad to hear about your peahen, Jim.
I sure hope you will have a pair of lavs to breed a few for me, pretty please, FT?


How did I know you'd be all over that one? Ah, Deb, you funny!
Whatcha knitting? Union suit?
Susie, might be bugs eating the blooms? You get tent caterpillars or Jap beetles?
Way to go, BBP! You go, girl!
Well, got a whole lot of mostly nothing done today that I wanted to. Mostly just piddly stuff. And some laundry. Got all the cat beds/blankets washed. But DH & I had a good time watching the game together. Glad the Pack managed to regroup & pull off another win.
Fall bash is Oct. 1st, and I think we're going with Mukwonago Co. park. I'll have to try & scout out a site. MLH must be really going to town on her Coop MaHal?

When is a good time? Noon? 11ish? Earlier? Later?
Sweet dreams, all!
Ok, I guess I'm biting the bullet here since MLH is MIA. I updated the fall bash site, but I'll post it here as well.

Fall bash is Oct. 1st, and I think we're going with Mukwonago Co. park. I'll have to try & scout out a site.
Here is a link to a map of the park. Just click on the pic & it will expand the picture so you can zoom & look around.
There are some buildings on the west side of the park. I want to go check them out to see exactly what they are, to see if we could maybe use one of them if it is cold/inclimate weather?
Otherwise there are "four reservable 20' x 30' covered shelters with cement base are available throughout the year with water (may not be available during the winter months), electricity, outdoor restrooms, large grill, and sand pit volleyball w/net and picnic tables".
From looking on the map, I think the second picnic shelter area looks ideal. It is the second one from the right on the map, and the second one you'd come to after entering the park (the one with the oval parking lot, the site on the right side). Either of those 2 sites by the oval parking lot would suffice actually. I'm just trying to narrow it down a little.

When is a good time? Noon? 11ish? Earlier? Later?
I was planning on bringing a monster salad, unless people would rather have hot dishes? Please let me know.
Everyone BYOB! Bring Your Own Beverage.

Sound good?
WCC No problem !! If I have any hens I'd be glad too !!!
I hatched out what are suppose to be lavender and lavender split bantam cochins and I got black and blue ones. Can't tell what I have as far as sex goes yet. They are my first cochins. They have bright red combs and wattles !!!!
I sure as heck hope I don't have a bunch of roosters !!! I don't hear any of them crowing yet so ?????

I contacted the person I got the eggs from here on BYC and told her I didn't get any lavenders. I got them on the egg chain and paid to get extras. She said she sold them because she had a lavender split roo in with lavenders and wasn't getting that many lavenders !!!! The picture she had were all lavenders !!! Real am not to happy about it. I needed black and blue cochins like I need another hole in my head !!! I asked he again if the cochins in the picture she resent me are in fact the hens and she said yes. So if I breed these I should get some lavenders !! As far as I know if you breed lavender to lavender you should get all lavenders. And I would think if you breed lavender to a lavender split you wouldn't get any blues????? I'll have to check into that.
They are cute little buggers.
My goal was of course to get lavender cochins but I wanted to breed lavender silkies to lavender cochins. If you think silkies are cute you ought to see silkie cochins.

Anyway on the brighter side of things. My lavender roo that is paired up with two black hens and a buff hen have been laying alot of eggs. I haven't been collecting since it was to hot for shipping and well I just got lazy too. Anyway of course one of the black hens has gone broody and I candled the eggs today !!! Yippee, they are veining !! One looks like it is ready to hatch as well but I haven't been watching them so I don't know how old that egg is.
They hatched out two about a month ago but they both died or were killed.
I might just have to clean up an incubator and hatch these myself. They won't be lavenders but they will be lavender splits. Then when I breed them back to the lavender roo I'll get some lavenders. !! My luck they will be Roos !!!

I have a trio of white silkies that hatched out a chick about a month ago. Took a good look at it today. It has a very big comb for such a young one !!! SH!T !!!
I came upstairs tonight and told DH everytime I come up from spending time with my silkies I get more depressed. I have so many roosters. That really isn't the problem. the problem is I don't have very many hens !!! My chicken math calculator is Way Off !!!

My partridge showgirls are looking real good. I have to start pairing them up so in another month I can start selling eggs again. Bout time they start earning their keep !! We'll need to get chicken food again this week !!! Their eating well and we had a $2.29 Aldis pizza Again for supper !!! Somethings not right here !!

Btw, where has Hurley,Raimel, Gothic Chick, and Buck Creek been ??????
I know that Hurley is online via FB, we are friends there. She has been very busy.

I turned on our mobil hotspot and lo and behold we have internets...
SO I should be on later on in the morning.
Night all

DrH.... It depends on what you consider a "full nights sleep".... If I get 6 hours it's a good night/morning.... 8 or more and I'm sick! Been that way all my life. I think being a night person and going on little sleep is genetic. My mom and her sisters were like that and so was my grandfather. They were almost always still up at 2:00 am or later. How would I know as a little kid? Yep, I was up too! Even all through school
I very often get told things like "Well if you were only on the same schedule as the rest of the world" or "If you slept like a "normal" person..." It used to bother me, then I got to thinking....What if there was a world wide law that said no one is allowed to work after 6:00 pm or before 6:00 am? NO ONE! No truck drivers, nurses, factory workers. Stores would be closed, no one could monitor the electric, the TV stations or anything else! If something went wrong... like a fire...too bad! I was always made to feel like a 2nd class citizen for working nights and being a night person.... but the world would be pretty F***ed without us!!! Actually, If "night people" weren't up tending the fires cave side.... I doubt mankind would even be as it is! So those who think "night people" aren't as good or are weird.....
you owe your way of life to us!!!!
OK....rant over

DH... can't have seafood either

Good luck on the coops!

OK Jim.... I'm posting now.... may have to finish comments later!

Night All!

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