Wisconsin "Cheeseheads"

Good evening! A late one for me for sure....look what I was working on:

I went out at 5 or so and picked all these!

And this is my kitchen after I finished skinning and cutting them up!

THis is the "waste juice" from the tomatoes sitting in the colander and draining to make salsa. I put it through a screen and put the seedless juice into my crockpot for the night to do an experiment and see what it turns out to be boiled down. I am hoping for lots of tomato flavor so I can make it into juice or sauce. I hated to throw it out cause I got a whole gallon after removing the seeds! Below is the pile of cut up tomatoes. You can see some of the clear juice still separating. I sucked that up with my baster and added it to the crockpot. Should be interesting. I am glad it is cool outside tonight...I just put the toms on the porch. I have to go and pick Green pepper tomorrow (maybe) I am working a long day &:30 until 4 so I might not have time to make the salsa. If that is the case I will just can them up as cut tomatoes....

There's my "kitty helper."

Off to bed for me! I hope everyone sleeps well! Nighties! TerriOcanhardlykeephereyesopen

(PS) Good for you on the puppies Kim!
Hi All!

Dooner... I sent you a message. Hope your both feeling better.

DrH... If you still have it check your manual for the dishwasher.... it may use less water than hand washing, if you hold off for full loads.

GR.... Sounds like you'll have your hands real full! 2 pups! Too much for me! LOL

Bf4m.... Wow... good luck with the ears!

TO.... I've canned my "tomato water" and used it for soup!

Well, as expected, Tiny chicken is gone. Like I said, we were fighting illness for months and this time it was just too much for her to fight, She was my nice "lap chicken". Peace to Tiny.
I put the hose on mist for a bit this afternoon. The chickens didn't get too close, but the guinea keets the hen hatched I think are part duck! They thought it was the neatest thing! So cute watching them take a "shower" and preen in the mist.

Ok, finish dishes and go to bed! Night all!
Good Cool Morning Everybody! 40* here won't be much longer and will have to dirty up the wood stove. Cind Sorry to hear about Tiny!
The dishwasher does have a water saver mode and so do the kitchen sinks. I use sink pans and dump them outside. Shhh!
Can't wait for a progress report from Jim. Sat. I went to Orv's Old Iron tractor show which is on the other side of my block. Must have been 100 tractors plus other old machinery there. Pretty cool! Dang near pulled a GR65 there were free gray and white kittens there. Lil mew faces. But I came home empty handed. Nice batch of maters TO! I got 8 pks of peppers in the freezer yesterday. The Marconi's are finally turning red. Going to get some more of those next year. Had to keep sampling them as I went
Oh BF4me that had to suck! Wish you had a pic of your big ears. BigEarsForYou.
Sorry that was mean. Funny but mean. Hope your better soon! Heading out to work on my logging road this AM. I get to play with the tractor I get to play with the tractor!
No one here yet??? Everyone frozen????? WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!!
Hehehehe. Good Morning!!!!

Very "crispy" here in the northwoods. Can't even uncover stuff yet to check my losses. Haven't let the girls out yet either. Thinking I should wait til Noodle has all it's feathers before letting outside when it's too cold because mom just bolts for the door now and doesn't even notice Noodle unless it yells.

TerrO~ Was it you that said My snotty hen Soup deserved more than a "time out"? I think I might have come up with a less radical cure for her. Anyone here ever used the "peepers"? You know those things that you attach to their noses so they can't see forward? I get how you put them on ( a piece that goes thru the nose) but how do you get them off?

any input on the Peepers would be greatly appreciated!!!


Ooops! my puter screen just updated.
BF4~ouch!!! hope the drugs work. Must have been a rough night of sleep!!!

have fun playing on the tractor today!
I know my hubby makes up excuses to go play on his

GR~no better cure for a broken heart then puppies! (I know) We can love (and mourn) what was lost and still make room for new loves

someone who makes as big a mess canning as I do! cool!!!

dooner~hi! hope you aren't in too rough shape for your interview. wishes that you both feel better soon!!!!
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second week of school, and I have one home sick already. I guess bad tummy problems are going around the school. bummer. ugh.

Kim good for you and those puppies. They will brighten your day to no end and cheer you up I am sure.

was hoping to make jam today, but dont think I can with a sick kiddo. I guess I will have to make some choco chip zucchini muffins instead.
Good Morning everyone,
been a busy one already, up at 5 let out pups, No messes BTW they were angels.
Then swapped them for my big dogs so they could go out, locked up kitties, and dogs so puppies could get used to the house and eat breakfast while I fed horses and chickens, they watched from the patio door. LOL So then I had to have a reasonable place to put them while all introductions and settling in happen, so I evicted my young roosters from my 10x10, 2 I let out who are bigger with the big boys, then I put the other 3 in the large kennel....... like this

I'll let them out later today but I wanted the bigger roo's to see them for awhile so when they get disinterested I can turn them loose too.
Then I cleaned my 10x10, took down the roosting poles, and did this...



Then I let my Leo and Tigger back out for breakfast, and potty, and tigger could care less, But Leo did this wanting to play with the puppies while whining his poor head off.

So I have had a busy morning, now I need to run after chicken feed, and puppy chews and toys so they don't get bored when I'm busy..........so later all...Kim
Oh forgot to tell ya, the pups Max and Bear are still afraid of my Puppy eating horses even in the daylight, it's totally hilarious because I thought it would be the other way around with the horses being afraid of the huge horse eaten puppies...... Max is the bravest, by far and wants to eat my older dogs, but he's scared to death of them giants in my pasture and keeps barking, then ducks and runs away..... Oh well I'm sure with a little time they will get used to each other, now if I just had my Goats for the boys to get used too while they are still young......that would be even better.
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Hi I just wanted to stop in and say that Kim I am very sorry for the loss of Bugsy. There is really nothing much I can say to ease the pain. I wish I could take it away from you but I can't. He sounds like he was so very near and dear to you. It will be a long road of recovery for you I am sure. May each day be a little easier for you. Or at least some time in each day I pray that you have some peace.
Hello group!

I took Shandy to the vet today. She's the one who came up gimpy a few weeks ago. Simply keeping her separated from the others wasn't getting her to mend. We x-rayed her today and it looks like she has a dislocated hip. Vet #1 said she's going to check with hubby Vet #2 for a second opinion. So I'm back at home waiting for Vet#2 to get back and have a look see. Shandy seems alert and is eating like a champ. Vet #1 said if it's a dislocation there may not be much we can do. We'll see. But I bawled on the way back home. Snuffing out a perfect little life... way too hard. ... because of a bum leg ...and therefore a lousy quality of life... This is why my hubs has my phone and is waiting for them to call with Vet#2's input. *sigh*

So we're waiting for the call. Will let y'all know what's going on. Btw, nice call GR & TO who both saw the video and thought it was a hip injury. You've been playing this chicken game for a while haven't you?

I'm decompressing in the backyard with the other 4 chickies. They keep trading dust holes to bathe in.

Talk with youse later.
MX..... sorry about the chickie......... I hope she can be fixed or heals up on her own, I hate it so much when we can't fix everything that happens............ they could try to put it back in, but no guarantee it will stay in..... poor little girl........... hugs to you and her................Kim
Hi all, Kim , we seem to have an extra camera here..

I took the bent shaft to Ron.. he sent me to Bill. Bill is going to make a whole new shaft and re-bush the clutch pedal and ream out the oblong holes so that I can put 3/8" x 1/2" bushings in..
I could not locate a shaft online..

Soooo, since the pressure is off, I am taking it easy for the rest of the day.. Might make a nice banana split and go outside and eat it.. That should be very peaceful, now that the puppies will not be trying to crawl onto my lap and get my ice-cream..

Annie kicked the keets out to the brooder pen.. Oh yeah,, but not her purple ones, oh no !!.. they get to stay in until they are older.. talk about double standards, eh?

In separating the keets from the peachicks, one of the peachicks got loose.. boy, can they fly.. Not just a fluttering hop, but a full out flight.. we both grabbed fish nets and cornered it way up next to the chicken coop..

I got an e mail from Jung's .. they are having a sale on garlic.. FYI..


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