WooHoo! Double Surprise... w/pics!!

I had something killing my chickens a few weeks back and my neighbor set a trap and we also caught two coons in one trap...they were both males....needless to say they met their demise, they had killed three of my chickens!!!
The night before he had trapped a pretty big opossum...so not sure what was killing my chickens, but needless to say things have settled down at my house...my coop is more secure and three predators are pushing up daisy's!!!
This farm is very very old and before we moved in here it was vacant for years. The coons occupied the very house we live in as there own. I got 10 traps out and in a month I killed 20 skunks and like 11 coons 4-5 opossums 3 bobcats and a yote needless to say its been real peaceful around here this year. we do have an occasional skunk Opossum and coon who make the mistake of trolling around here. But thats usually there last mistake.
MMPoultry farms BOY, you really had to battle to get that house. You are a fighter, I would have turned tail and run. I imagine you had to make alot of repairs after the "tenants" moved out. At least keep their damage deposit- or start selling coonskin caps etc.

Somehow I have never thought coons were cute. Look at the eyes on them - just dying to rip someone's throat out.
I think they are cute, but they are MEAN!!! I have never if my life heard the amount of snarling, snapping, hissing and growling that was going on in our trap this morning!! Viciousnes!!!

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