World Egg Day Hatchalong!(October 12, 2012 is World Egg Day!)

I was thinking of ways to make a cute picture and thought of putting chicks in my piccolo case with some kind of funny comment, but couldn't come up with a good subtitle. LOL, and there you go! (still can't think of a good quip though, LOL) Maybe you can take that picture and come up with something good?
I was thinking of ways to make a cute picture and thought of putting chicks in my piccolo case with some kind of funny comment, but couldn't come up with a good subtitle. LOL, and there you go! (still can't think of a good quip though, LOL) Maybe you can take that picture and come up with something good?

That's a cute idea! Maybe tomorrow, If I do, it won't be for the contest. You could still do it to, it doesn't need to be for the caption contest, it can be your cutest chick photo entry.

We just got out of a 5 hour power outage, chicks sreeching everywhere as I try to keep the little guys warm. I put the older chicks in a smaller box so that they would conserve body heat and I kept the 2 newly hatched babies close me, one snuggled in each of my hands. It was actually pretty sweet, they settled down pretty quickly and fell asleep.
I just put my younger baby out with the older one, and so far, there is no picking on anyone, so I am pretty pleased. I want these little ones to have a friend to grow up in the brooder with. I also noticed that their colors are more different than I thought at first glance. I'll get photos in the next couple days of the two of them together :)

Hope everyone is having a great time with your new peeps, and those of you still waiting, I send tons of positive hatching energy and good luck!
Here's one of my little buggers. This one is a silkie, thinking it is a pullet just by some hopefully primary wing feather id-ing (and perhaps just wishful thinking)...

She's sending an email out :)
Herducks, your chick is just as cute as mine, and that's the highest complement possible, LOL SWEET!

Here is my one and only Serama and one of my WEDH chicks, amazing size comparison! (to me)

Awww, adorable Silkie too, jrosemoore!
it's a girl!!!
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