Wry neck adult hen how long for response after meds. Serious upside down head 3,4 days


In the Brooder
Jan 16, 2022
How long does it take a n adult hen with wry neck to get neck upright after treating with Vit E egg white selenium and B vits. This is day 3or 4. Couple times day she stands, head bolt upright, walks a foot to water and food, crumble in water egg white.I’ve been syringing Vit E and selenium 2xday on top of tongue. Quite difficult because her head and neck snap back to upside down.
Today she only had head vertical twice. Didn’t walk to water.
Please if anyone has tried feeding and treating hen with head on floor, you know how difficult and scary this is. So afraid she’s going to aspirate into lungs.
Very awkward when she tries to eat because head no matter how I try, is sideways or upside down.
Does it take week or longer for head to be upright after treatment?
I’m feeding her( trying to support head vertically) four times a day with liquified crumble, tiny grit,shelled sunflower seeds, meal worms and water with half t. Vinegar
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I have a Crested head duck with Wry neck. He was one day old when I got him and did not recognize the problem for the first couple of weeks. This wonder site helped me. His head was upside down when I started treatment. It took probably a couple of weeks to slowly see an improvement. He did eat and drink on his own. Now almost one year old he stil has a crooked neck but functions fine. When sleeping while standing up he does put the top of his head down but he swims, eat and drinks fine.
This shows the chicken's throat. Note where the syringe is going down the chicken's right side of the throat. That's the esophagus which leads to the crop. Note the hole in the center behind the tongue. That's the chicken's airway and that must be avoided.

Do you have the tubing? About a nine inch piece is all you need. You will feed it into the throat, sliding it along the inside of the mouth and slightly under the tongue. It helps to extend the chicken's neck. If the chicken coughs it means you're trying to put the tube into the wrong hole. Stop and start again.
I think it's somewhat promising that she can make her head straight to eat and drink. I have been there with favorite chicken twice. one seemed to recuperate then went downhill. I locked myself in the bathroom and cried my eyes out. The 2nd one seemed to have gotten pecked on the head, a silkie. He always had a great appetite . After about a week he got better and I put him back out with some gentle hens. Then he died from an attack from a wild animal. How sad!!! I have also had a few chicks that flipped their head over and humanely I euthanized them right away
Thank you for reply!!
How old is she? Have you added any new birds to your flock recently? I would recommend feeding her moist food and water and scrambled egg, plus the vitamins (E 400 IU) and 1/4 tablet of vitamin B complex) for at least 2 weeks. Many birds get better, but some don’t. Are you feeding a balanced chicken feed? Was she vaccinated for Mareks disease?
It can take up to a couple of weeks to see improvement. I had a bird that was isolated for about 6 weeks with wry neck (though it took weeks to diagnose), and roughly the last 2 weeks of isolation she was getting vit E and B and selenium, before she was able to maintain enough balance to be allowed back with the flock.

She had other neurological and physical defects but did at least recover enough from that episode to live with the flock for another year or two before her other issues compounded enough that she had to be culled.
Wow So was her head upside down on the ground that first four weeks before you started the last two weeks with treatment?
Mine was a different looking case than what most people identify as wry neck, which is why I didn't realize it was wry neck until others on here helped diagnose it. If I recall, instead of just her head twisting, she was completely unable to balance herself and had her head, neck and chest on the ground while her tail was stuck in the air. I assumed it was some unknown neurological issue and gave her vit B but she didn't show improvement until vit E and selenium were added to the mix after 4 weeks.t
Thank you how did you feed her?
It's tough to get a wry neck patient to eat since it's not easy to eat with the top of your head. You will need to tube feed for a few days to get her strong again so she can eat on her own. Can you get hold of oxygen tubing or aquarium tubing and a syringe that will fit it? That's the hard part. Feeding is the easy part.

Also, try doubling the E to twice a day. You can also give tumeric along with it to help with any inflammation.
Your two threads on this subject have now been combined. You have likely missed some comments. I suggest you go back to the beginning and read through your thread. All of the information you have been seeking is here in this thread.

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