Young Bantam-cross roosters looking for their own flocks (Oregon)


In the Brooder
6 Years
Dec 18, 2013
Cascadia (US)
I've got no less than three young roosters who've all recently come of age. If you live in Lane or Benton county (Oregon) and are in need of a good protector for your flock, these guys can do the job. They've grown up free ranging (sleeping in a coop at night) and are now showing their stuff in protecting the hens. They're Bantam crosses, so they're small (great if you have a small coop or like to keep the feathers on your hens' backs). I've got 1 Buff Orprington-Bantam cross, and two Plymouth Rock-Bantam crosses. They've filled out a bit more since these photos. (The Buff guy has quite the personality.) All three are non-aggressive.

They are very pretty. What bantam breed are they crossed with?

Hi. The golden one is crossed with a Buff Orpington. The grey ones are crossed with a hen that is half Plymouth Rock and half-Ameracauna. (She looks like a Plymouth but lays green eggs.) Their dad is your classic Bantam. Quite beautiful.
Probably. I only know the breeds I intend to procure. The Bantam rooster was given to me when a neighbor was moving and needed to get rid of their chickens. Consequently I don't know much about his specific breed (other than how he behaves in my flock).

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