Young Chickens Dying -Help!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Nov 22, 2009
I got some BC Marans this spring from two different sources. There are about two weeks difference in ages. From the original 16, I am down to 9. A couple died in their first two weeks. I lost both roosters from each group at an early age and then about one a month with two in the last two days. They all have had the same symptoms. Lethargy, wing droop, and at times loss of coodination. Some that were sick earlier surprised me by recovering to only die later. I started them on medicated feed for about two weeks and then switched to organic starter. They feathered out beautifully and what has really bothered me is that it is the prettiest ones with the best color and leg feathering have been the ones to die. I always use DE and have supplemented with probiotics. They are on grass in a tractor. My older hens (not BC Marans) have not been ill, some of which I got from the same NPIP source as 11 Marans. Are Marans particularly susceptible to disease? I recently got some Welsummers that are doing great although they are adults. I thought it could be heat but they have shade and plenty of water. They have not been vaccinated. I have been trying to get help about vaccines but evrybody says no. What could it be?
NO - Marans are not susceptible to diseases any more than any other breed.

How old are they now?

When you say organic starter - - - does that mean it is not medicated ?

Are you doing anything to prevent coccidiosis ? ? ?
They are 12 and 10 weeks old. I feed them Countryside broiler now. It is organic and not medicated. I used Terramycin powder in the water a couple of times when a few were sick a couple of months ago. I have not seen any blood in feces. It seems like the ones that were sick and recovered are still alive. The others died without warning.
Coccidosis is a disease that effects young birds / chicks mainly.

Since, you are having no problems with your older birds and only the young ones AND you are feeding unmedicated feed - - - I am leaning towards an ongoing problem with coccidosis.

You could take a stool specimen and have it analyzed.
If it isn't cocciodosis and it is some other worm - - - they should be able to identify it for you.

I would not get any new birds - young or old - until you find out what is taking your current stock out.
Have you contacted the people your got the birds from to ask them if they have had any problems with their stock ? ?

If they have had no problems, it is another sign that it could be Coccidiosis.

Your older birds could be carriers of many things that your younger birds can not handle exposure to.
How long have your birds been outside? I would think that at 10-12 weeks they'd have some immunity to cocci unless you've just brought them out.

You might try doing a 5-day course of Corid in their water, this won't hurt your birds but should help if it IS coccidiosis. Medicated feed isn't strong enough to actually treat an outbreak, Corid is just the active ingredient. I feed my chickens organic non-medicated feed. I got talked into giving them medicated to start, and still lost one to (I think) coccidiosis. I started everyone on the Corid (2 tsp of 9.6% liquid per gallon) and had no other problems.

Did the problems start after you introduced new birds? How are the temperatures where you are? I hope you figure it out, please keep us posted!
Are you positive it's not the heat? You mentioned that they're in a tractor, does this provide shade for them at all times, or are there times where there is no shade due to the position of the sun?
It is very hot in central NC this summer. I covered their tractor with a tarp for added shade and let them out during the day to free range. Should I treat all my chickens? At times they are all out together and intermingle. My other hens are layers. What to do about eggs if I use the Corid? I also have birds that I am raising for meat. What effect will it have on them? How long to wait until processing or should I forego treating them?

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