Your favorite duck breed?

I have WH and Cayugas right now, 6 weeks old. I like both breeds, but, so far, find myself more drawn to the Cayugas, as they are more restful. The WH are pretty, and interesting to watch, but those Cayugas just drop my blood pressure after a stressful day. Maybe it's the hypnosis inducing feathers
I love all my ducks, pekins, runners, muscovies and welsh harlequin drake......but the geese take the cake I think
They are funny and aren't afraid of anything....except the 2 month old she has some learning to do lmao When you get close to her she will run around screaming like her heads going to be cut off! If I had to pick a duck it would be the Pekins
I love my Anconas.......

They are so beautiful, easy to handle if you need to catch them up and just a lot of fun to watch. Added bonus is they lay lots of eggs and are very thrifty ducks with great foraging skills.

I just got silkie ducks so we will see how they are when they grow up...... but for the most part already they are fast zippity little things in comparison to the the Ancona ducklings.

I think every breed is as individual as we are and accordingly we all kinda have our favorites...... Mine is the Ancona Duck.
I grew up with Pekins and we have a pair of Blue Swedish ducks...they are a lot of fun.

They were such cool little ducklings

It was hilarious the day that they first discovered the turtle's water dish out in the yard.

Today they led the pullets around the yard...the ducks are the leaders of the poultry yard.

Yeah...Blue Swedish Ducks are pretty OKAY.
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