
Jul 31, 2021
United States
So I have an egg that pipped yesterday and has now started zipping. I wasn't home when it started zipping but I came home to it lying in a pool of yellow liquid. It's still alive, I can see it breathing. Anyone know what happened?
I haven't see this before.. following to learn about it.

I wouldn't worry to much if it's still alive. As long as it's not early. Maybe humidity was a little high and all the liquid didn't go like it should have
The humidity was sitting steady at 60% but once it pipped it spiked to 80%. Maybe that's the issue. It's still making progress so I'm hoping it's okay
it's out! It's so ugly omg😂 It seems alright, no obvious deformities and the yolk is absorbed. It hasn't opened its eyes or made any noise yet... This is weird.
It's moving around a bit and it cries when I touch it. It was super gooey and crusty so I washed it in warm water and dried it off with a paper towel. It's back in the bator now but it's not looking good...

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