November 2016 Hatch-a-long!!

Hello all!

Its been years since I had chickens, but now that we've bought a house and settled back down it felt like time to start over again. We have an acre in a residential area, so I guess it's more like urban chicken keeping than what I did before when we lived out in the country. Thinking about what keeping chickens means to me, I couldn't help but think of my great granddad who had chickens that he referred to as "Dominickers". I've done a lot of research since then of course, and I believe he had barred rocks. So, I ordered some barred rock eggs from ebay (seller mary4d). I didn't have enough posts to utilize our buy/sell/trade options here on BYC at the time. I ordered 5 eggs but received 7, although two were broken during shipping. I was worried that they had been jostled around too much, but I set them on 10/19 and didn't touch them until tonight. All five are developing :) It's hard to see in a picture, but all have veining and movement. If all goes well, they're due to hatch 11/9.

Welcome to the hatch-a-long! It sounds like you are in a happy, cozy place and ready to evoke fond memories of your childhood. This will be so fun for your family! I have hatched shipped eggs from eBay with success. Good luck to you!
Mine are due to hatch on Nov. 16/17. (I was bad and snuck and extra egg in)
Naughty!! (
I don't think one day is going to rock the boat...) Best of luck with your hatch.
I have a ma hen who is always broody. I gave her 3 nn/frizzle eggs she got mixed up what nest she was on and they got wrecked.

So I gave her store eggs that were from a nearby farm, (9) and I called to find out the breed. They were NN! yeah! I went to check on her and she ate one. (boo) I took away the rest to go in an incubator, after wiping down eggs, will scrape later too,

I got new nn eggs (10) and put them under ma hen in diff nest box if she pulls any other shenanagans the rest will go to the incubator too.

4 due 16th, 4 due 18th, 12 due 20th, excluding any lost after getting egg goo on 8, of the 20 total..
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Count me in too!
I just hatched 12 barnyard mixes yesterday/today and I'm setting 2 doz breese eggs (plus a few others) this week. Shooting for a thanksgiving hatch.
I have a ma hen who is always broody. I gave her 3 nn/frizzle eggs she got mixed up what nest she was on and they got wrecked. So I gave her store eggs that were from a nearby farm, (9) and I called to find out the breed. They were NN! yeah! I went to check on her and she ate one. (boo) I took away the rest to go in an incubator, after wiping down eggs, will scrape later too, I got new nn eggs (10) and put them under ma hen in diff nest box if she pulls any other shenanagans the rest will go to the incubator too. 4 due 16th, 4 due 18th, 12 due 20th, excluding any lost after getting egg goo on 8, of the 20 total..
Naked necks are soooo cute when they are babies! Some of my silkies have naked necks, their little necks are so warm! I am excited to see yours! :)
My batch due next week have bad air cells but are still plugging along and the 15 I set in Friday I am already itching to candle so yes sitting in hands is a good plan lol

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