I've noticed a lot of people from Canada have an issue with buying VetRx due to many suppliers not shipping it across borders. This is understandable as not all countries have the same medication regulations, but for all my Canadian and Non-U.S inhabitants I have some easily found oils that could just possibly do the trick.
(I'm in no way a Medical professional and I suggest doing your own research as well before applying this information. If you have any things you think should be changed just comment! :)

VetRx Poultry Remedy:
For use as an aid in the treatment of respiratory problems in all varieties of poultry, including bantams, ducks, turkeys, geese, and game birds.

Effective reliefs for colds, roup, scaly legs, and eye worm and as a conditioner for show preparations. For internal and external application.

Used in Vetrx:
"Active Ingredient(s): Made with 3.3% (v-v) alcohol U.S.P. The mixture contains Canada balsam, camphor, oil origanum, oil rosemary, blended in a corn oil base."

- [ ] Canadian balsam oil / Fir balsam oil:
• Canada balsam is a small-to-medium-sized fir tree native to North America and Canada. Its needles are shiny and dark green on the outside and matte, silvery blue-green on the underside. Canada balsam is sometimes mistaken for balm of Gilead, a tree in the Poplar genus.
* Historically, Native Americans have applied Canada balsam to the skin as a poultice to treat burns and wounds. During the Civil War, balm of balsam fir was reportedly used to treat combat injuries. The essential oil of Canada balsam has been used for coughs and colds.

- [ ] Camphor oil, White, Must be therapeutic grade.
• Camphor oil produces three distinct fractions: white, brown, and yellow. Among all fractions, only white camphor oil is used for medicinal and aromatic purposes. The other two fractions contain the substance called safrole, which is considered carcinogenic and toxic.
• White camphor oil can be an essential part of your first aid kit as it offers a wide range of health benefits. It is known usually added to massage oils to relieve muscle stiffness and cramps. This oil is also excellent in helping calm the nerves, clear the lungs, and dispel apathy.
* Decongestant – A popular ingredient in decongestant balms and cold rubs, it provides respiratory relief by reducing the blockage in the bronchi, larynx, pharynx, nasal tracts, and lungs.2
* Antispasmodic – This essential oil may help relieve muscle spasms.
* Anesthetic – White camphor oil can also be used as a mild local anesthesia. It produces a cool sensation, which blocks the sensory level on the skin and reduces the brain's ability to feel pain.3
* Anti-inflammatory and sedative – White camphor oil is a balancing oil that can help sedate the nerves and reduce inflammation.

- [ ] Oregano oil
• Oregano oil is derived from the leaves and flowers of oregano (Origanum vulgare), a hardy, bushy perennial herb, and a member of the mint (Lamiaceae) family. It's native to Europe, although it grows in many areas around the world.
• Beware, though, as many of the oregano oils sold in grocery stores are not made from this variety, and may have little to no therapeutic value. Opt only for oregano oil made from Origanum vulgare and Thymus capitatus, a variety that grows in Spain.
• I highly recommend adding oregano oil to your arsenal of natural healing tools, as it has a wide range of uses. This herbal oil is a powerful antimicrobial that can help fight off infections. Oregano oil also has antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties.

- [ ] Rosemary oil
• According to Modern Essentials, a guide to the therapeutic uses of essential oils, high-quality rosemary oil has analgesic, antibacterial, anticancer, anticatarrhal, antifungal, anti-infection, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and expectorant properties.
* Clarity – Add a drop to your hands, rub together, and cup over your mouth and nose for up to a minute
* Cough – Massage one to two drops over your chest and throat every few hours
* Headaches – Add a drop to your hands, and cup over your mouth and nose for up to a minute. You may also apply a drop topically to the aching parts of your head.
* Learning and memory – Diffuse the oil throughout the room, inhale directly from the bottle, rub over your temples, or apply to your toes regularly.

- [ ] Corn oil
• Apart from serving as a less-than-ideal cooking oil, corn oil has several industrial uses, including as an addition to soap, salve, paint, ink, textiles, and insecticides. It also sometimes functions as a carrier for drug molecules in pharmaceutical products. Corn oil is also considered for hair care. It is said to contain 54 percent of omega-6 and 28 percent of omega-9 fats, which lock water inside your hair and make it stronger and better protected against dryness.

Again this is a list of ingredients used in VetRx for any needs you may have. Wether making your own or having a better knowledge of what you are using on your flock.