Recent content by WGAchick

  1. WGAchick


    Any West GA peeps going to the beekeeping workshop at the Carroll AgCenter tomorrow? Just curious.
  2. WGAchick


    I haven't been on here in a long time. It's nice to see some of the same people are still here. I guess I'm feeling a little bummed at the moment and felt the need to seek out my fellow GA chicken peeps. I'm still relatively new to chickens. I still have 7 out of my 8 first chickens I got 3 or...
  3. WGAchick


    Thank you! We're very proud of ourselves considering how little we know about chicken coops! Thank you very much! I would be happy to share if we had plans but we just had a very rough pencil sketch along with a vision in our brains! If it's any help, I'll be glad to answer any questions or...
  4. WGAchick


    I thought I would post a few pics of our coop now that we've finally finished it. Yes, that is a chicken picture and yes, I've been told I'm a little crazy. We've still got to build their nesting boxes but we're taking a little breather.
  5. WGAchick


    What are the black and yellow ones in the background?
  6. WGAchick


    That's what I'm sayin! After reading here how messy ducks are, I'm a believer! I'll just stick with horses and chickens. That's enough poop for me!
  7. WGAchick


    Just popping in on my lunch break with a FYI for the duck peeps. Wallace Farm Supply just posted a pic on FB they have baby ducks. Here's the pic. I have no idea what kind of ducks they are or where they came from but Wallace is located on Hwy 27 in either Bowdon or Bremen. I get them...
  8. WGAchick


    Oh no! I'm so sorry! I never thought I would get attached to a chicken but I have a couple of favorites and would be heartbroken if something happened to one of them at this point.
  9. WGAchick


    I keep reading that as long as they have all their feathers, they're good to go. Mine are 3 weeks today and I hope to put them out as soon as our coop is finished, which will probably be another 2 weeks. They're about to bust out of their brooder!
  10. WGAchick


    Congrats Carcar on finding your boy a great home! I know it is bittersweet! So I got part of the outside of the coop painted today. Would have been all of it but had a paint color issue. Hubby got the floor done. I'm wondering if our chickens will be living in one of the few coops to have...
  11. WGAchick


    Alrighty! My first Saturday off that it's not raining! Lots to do today....paint the outside of the coop while hubby works on the inside, give my horse a good brushing (yes he's still above ground and seems to be better), work around the yard, laundry, vacuum....I'm tired already but here I go...
  12. WGAchick


    I have some chicken coop questions. 1) We're thinking of taking out one of the solid metal panels in the roof and replacing it with a translucent panel. Good or bad idea? 2) I want to paint the inside of the coop. I know, I know, but you have to understand that I'm in the "make it pretty"...
  13. WGAchick


    What a cutie pie! I think I may have to put my old boy down soon. He's dropped a lot of weight very recently. Not good but what do you expect at 30?
  14. WGAchick


    Does yours have a crooked tail, too?
  15. WGAchick


    Wow! That's fantastic! Congratulations!!
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