My guineas are about 3 wks old and while they do stretch and preen their wings, they seem to have no desire to fly. The really strange thing is that our kids seem to have made pets out of them.
Fried egg sandwich on toast with mayo and mustard. Even had it for supper last night. Yummmmmm!
Oh, but then there is egg salad too and omelettes, but especially in brownies.
That is fantastic!
If you haven't seen it, here is a book for those who do question the chicken's motivation:
Many interesting and some startling, but all humorous.
"Brown eggs taste better than white eggs and are better for you." Gotta give her credit, though. This was several years ago and at the time, only white eggs were sold commercially.
I recall reading in at least one thread here, that Brower has pretty good customer service, so I would definitely go that route.
They do! I called and Tom helped me out with some suggestions. Just in case anyone else experiences the same problem, sometimes the control needs to be...
Uh-oh. I am thinking I would like keets like yours. My almost 2-wk-olds are in an uncovered brooder pen in our unfinished basement. Maybe I should get a cover on them.
Ours usually don't get named until we know a little something about them. Our rooster is Cogburn (from Brewster Cogburn?). We used to have a hen named Diane for Diane Fossey because it liked to hang around us primates.
What a good doggie! Ours never bothers ours, but he doesn't really look out for them either. Our neighbors have 2 dogs that keep their chickens safe. Their chickens are free-range 24 hrs/day and nothing has bothered them until recently when our fox population seems to have jumped, but they...
I'm new here, but after reading the last 20 pages, it has become obvious that I will fit right in. Your stories have left me laughing and encouraged. My DSs are 8 and 10, and I am one of those mean moms too who expect their kids to be responsible for themselves, to make good choices and to...