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  1. Chickenmumma

    Australians - Where are you all????

    I just LOVE all the pics!! Christie, haven't had a chance to read your blog, will hopefully get time on the weekend. The photo of Izzy is superb. Excuse my ignorance but are they feathers on top of their heads or is it fur? I'm so confused Guinea, Lonely has grown up so much, very cute!!
  2. Chickenmumma

    Australians - Where are you all???? stuck in the other thread. It's hard work keeping up with both! Christie, sorry to hear you're not well. Hope you stay positive and beat the f***er into submission. And happy birthday for the other day. Hey JC how can you tell when it's someone's birthday, it's not like FB where there's a...
  3. Chickenmumma

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Hey gang, sorry I've been off the radar lately so haven't really kept up to date on all the goings on. Hope you're all doing well. I heard Lonely's had a rough time, hope she pulls through ok. Anyway, just had to say that we lost Coco today. The cancer got the better of her the past few days so...
  4. Chickenmumma

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Morning folks! I missed the doco last night, was it good? Does anyone know the name of the program? Here's the link to iview, all the ABC programs. I had a quick look but nothing stood out as being about chickens... On a side note, has anyone used a...
  5. Chickenmumma

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Oh wow I've just learned something new, hens behaving like roosters cos they're all alone! That's hilarious, the poor confused little girls!!
  6. Chickenmumma

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Christie, so sorry to hear about your flock. Have they been looking unwell or is it all very sudden? How awful for you. Hope you can save the last two. Orchid, hate to say it but it sounds like your 'hen' may not be a hen. Where did you get her/him from and how old was he/she when you got...
  7. Chickenmumma

    Australians - Where are you all????

    OMG YUMMO!!! The tofu sounds amazing, will try it next time for sure. I cut mine into little cubes and fry it with a dash of soy sauce in the oil. It goes all crispy and salty. I usually let it cool and chuck it into salads, if there's any left after I've picked at it (just one more little...
  8. Chickenmumma

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Wowsers that's some useful stuff. I wonder if it'll get rid of wrinkles too......
  9. Chickenmumma

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Quote: Oh no!! So sorry to hear that. Do you know what's got 'em? Feelin for ya girl
  10. Chickenmumma

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Oh dear, hope ya teeth survived What's it meant to do for humans? General health tonic too? Or good for worms
  11. Chickenmumma

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Oh yeah, there's all the REST of BYC that I've completely forgotten about How much apple cider vinegar do you use JC?
  12. Chickenmumma

    Australians - Where are you all????

    BAHAHAHA yeah, none of us know how to react to the sunshine! Actually, I think she has a cold The newbies had a few sniffles when they arrived - they're fine now but she's not. Might see how she goes for a day or two then put her on some antibiotics if I need to. **SIGH**
  13. Chickenmumma

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Lol fair enough about the tofu but I still reckon you haven't had it cooked right. Or I just haven't eaten meat in waaaaay too long OK so if anyone has any advice, I'd appreciate it... Matilda is making a wierd noise... It's a cross between her coughing, sneezing, clearing her throat and...
  14. Chickenmumma

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Sorry to hear you're feeling sick JC Maybe you should play in the mud with your girls and cool off as well Yeah my girls are all nice to one another but they don't seem to mix very much. The 3 newbies seem to like exploring and getting themselves into spots they shouldn't so I've kept em...
  15. Chickenmumma

    Australians - Where are you all????

    ray's two cents : Quote: I'm great thanks , you? its starting to warm up down here its meant to be like 30 today Lucky! We got 35. It was revised too - higher! It's not often I can say this so I'm gonna make the most of the opportunity. The weather in Melbourne is PERFECT Blue skies...
  16. Chickenmumma

    Australians - Where are you all????

    SNAKES? FOXES? I leave for a couple o' days and come back to hear stories of nasty, nasty predators?? EEK! Otherwise, how is everyone?
  17. Chickenmumma

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Hi!! How's the Valley today? Do you get a day off? Hmm on second thoughts, if you're a farmer then public holidays probably don't make a difference to you anyway... Thanks for joining us
  18. Chickenmumma

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Morning all Poor galah, hope you can save it! Most vets treat native animals for free if you can get to one. I can't believe we get a day off for a horse race... I think horse racing is cruel so I don't bet on anyone. I am grateful for a day off though
  19. Chickenmumma

    Australians - Where are you all????

    Aw that's really sweet, your girls love you! And why wouldn't they when you pull up fresh silverbeet for them! So far my girls don't seem to understand the pecking order. They've totally accepted the new flock. It's just one big happy family
  20. Chickenmumma

    Australians - Where are you all????

    I'm home with 3 new chookies!! Coco and Matilda took a quizical look at them, stretched their necks, cocked their heads and promptly turned the other way and ignored them. I don't know if that's good or bad.... Anyway there aren't any pics yet cos the newbies haven't removed their heads...
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