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  1. AletaG

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Just want to say, I love this thread... people are always willing to help newbies to FF, and at the same time, it doesn't die out 'between times' 'cause everyone is so happy to chat up just about any (literal) bunny trail! You guys rock!
  2. AletaG

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I know a couple about 15miles N of us that have 10acres and 2 African donkeys of some kind. They apparently sleep only 2 or 3 hours a day in shifts, so they're always 'on' and very good defenders. Of course, I don't think they've ever had a bear problem. They will fight off cougars and such, but...
  3. AletaG

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Thank you BC! These are our experimentals. Like most peeps on BYC start with "whatever is at the feedstore"! In this case, it was a Craigslist post we couldn't pass up. 30$ for 18mos old pair, with cages, water bottles, food, etc. The male is a sort of flame colored Rex/Flemish cross and the...
  4. AletaG

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    This GenX 'er would like to know what a Foxfire book is... I'm afraid of canning. I've done pickles twice and got mush both times. But I have processed a few chickens now... I do know how to wildcraft mushrooms, and know a few of the wild edibles out here in the NW, but I would LOVE to learn...
  5. AletaG

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    You two are SO making me jealous! Access to good stock, space and facilities... Picking my drool off the floor now, and stalking off in another direction.... While studiously avoiding the "pickled egg" topic! Have a good evening!
  6. AletaG

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    LOL! My local contact agrees it would work, but in my case, I'd be trying for more Orp type, less Marans, so would need to go back to the Lav at least once. Some day, when I've got an acre to devote to a pretty meat bird. Now, if you want more Lav Marans, you should be able to go back to your...
  7. AletaG

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    ...of NV where that works, too. And it don't come out of white anything or off the bottom of shoes... AGH! When we lived in OR, the mud would well up *between the grass plants* .... I still have nightmares. The BLOB has nuthin' on that clay. My understanding is to get the Birchen (or copper)...
  8. AletaG

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Hey, it's really, really not funny, not when you discover your chicken hobbling after the first rain... thinking there's something super wrong, only to find that "da## Oregon clay" has formed golf balls on the bottom of that dumb black silkie's feet. Never EVER again. We washed "Elvisa" once a...
  9. AletaG

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    So, only posting here because I can't seem to find a relevant thread elsewhere, and I don't want my heiny handed to me by the Heritage group 'cause I'm thinking to do something obnoxious. By pure chance, have a silver Birchen Marans cockerel (feety tufts, hate em. Love the color) and a Lavendar...
  10. AletaG

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Another thought. As the egg sits, the white degrades. There really aren't any storebought eggs that are actually fresh. There's prob at least a week or two on them.
  11. AletaG

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Heh. I love the wheeled idea... maybe next time. We've had below freezing temps for about a week, no freezing in the cooler's 5 gal bucket either. If I didn't have to replenish it thru a gate and whatnot, I'd probably skip the bucket and fill the cooler, too. Eventually everything will be stored...
  12. AletaG

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Wow, that was fast... did you just happen to have a dusty dead ice chest layin' around, or get one that quick. No moss on that Bee!
  13. AletaG

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Thanks BC. Yep, that looks right. They weren't 'coiled' like that, but I'd bet $ that's what they were... and sounds like there are a couple diff kinds. I don't have any lime... but will be dumping lots of DE in there. That works as a good dessicant... I already add a little elemental sulfur to...
  14. AletaG

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Ok, so I'm off thread for a few days, and things blow up. NOT going to catch up. Just gonna start here. Wondering if I could get a little nudge. Took in some 4 mos old Crm Legbar cockerels, was going to eat them Unfortunately, both expired in quick succession. Autopsy showed me the first fatal...
  15. AletaG

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Ok. Actually, you kind of can... If you put food out, they won't land on it, or if they do, it's to rest, you won't see mouth parts 'cause they don't have any. the winged stage mates and lays eggs, and dies. The larva is the stage that eats, and eats and eats. Thank you, question: assuming...
  16. AletaG

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds One of many ideas... This is the one I THINK DH has finally settled on. He's got a couple links for buying larva, if you want to attract BSF "interfastically" or whatever that Dr. Who phrase is he likes...
  17. AletaG

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Just wondering, of you all that supply ur-selves with your own chicken for the year, how many do you raise to feed your family? It's the 4 of us here, and my husband would eat chicken every night if offered, the kids probably 2 or 3 times, and I use chicken broth for just about everything...
  18. AletaG

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    I'm remembering that story now, thanks for reviewing it. I'm thinking will be needing to cut things up a bit smaller in the future. She acted fine the day before, but must not have been. Gulpy little chicken got greedy... How's THAT for a gluttony lesson. Glad I don't have a crop n gizzard, I'da...
  19. AletaG

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    Hmmm. Well, too late to go back and dig in there again... I forgot to mention that the last time they ate fish was over a week ago. Boy did it stink. The crop, I mean. I need to find that anatomy drawing I downloaded again...
  20. AletaG

    Fermenting Feed for Meat Birds

    So, lost a pullet 2 days ago. Did a necropsy on the refridgerated body last night. Found large undigested fish meat pieces in her crop. Sour crop maybe? Couldn't find anything that looked like grit in there. Just soupy. Only thing that didn't look 'right' to me other than the mite issue that...
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