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  1. crystal94040

    Chicken hasn't moved all day, Help!

    This morning my husband noticed our hen was laying down and didn't run up to him like she usually does. I thought maybe she's just being broody and went on about the day. By afternoon I noticed she still hadn't moved. I went out to check on her and noticed she was rhythmically trying to "push"...
  2. crystal94040

    Adding new chicks in with 12 week old hens?

    We have 4 hens...we were thinking of adding 4 more to our flock but were unsure what the 12 week old hens we already have will do? Will they accept them as babies? or peck at them? or ignore them all together? Looking for advice before we get more.
  3. crystal94040

    can chickens find their way home?

    I live in a residential neighborhood and I have 6 chickens in my good sized backyard. actually my backyard is SO big I have 2 extremely large pens, one for the chickens, and one for the dogs. I let the chickens out at about 2pm to free range around. At about 4pm I went to check on them and 1 is...
  4. crystal94040

    boiled egg problem

    I've noticed when I boil my chicken egss the white comes off with the, alot of it. I can't get them to peel "right" any tips?
  5. crystal94040


    ok my chickens squak every morning at about 7-9 while they are's usually only a minute or two each and thats it....well today they all layed and then while I was out there feeding them one starts - 3 hours later she is still at it...she is just walking around...pecking at...
  6. crystal94040

    chickens and tomatoes?

    I have a huge fence around my chicken run that looks so bare, I was thinking about planting some vining tomatoes to climb the fence this summer....but will the chickens just destroy the plants and eat all the tomatoes? If so is there anything they won't go after? VINING/Climbing vegetables...
  7. crystal94040

    how often should they eat?

    since our chickens were chicks we have always kept their feed bowl full. they are 6 months now and lately have been making a huge mess with it. We keep it in the hen house and now I'm wondering if it should be moved into the yard because in the hen house they waste SO much of it!. what does...
  8. crystal94040

    egg eating??

    I was out collecting the eggs with my kids and my son dropped one. I saw it had a nice big crack in it so instead of trying to clean it up with the 3rd arm I don't have I just smashed it figuring it would just mix in with the dirt and that would be that. After I brought the eggs inside I went...
  9. crystal94040

    will a hen "adopt" a chick?

    I wanted to get a few chicks this spring. I'm wondering If I HAVE to raise them separate or if I can just introduce then to the hens and see if one "adopts" them??
  10. crystal94040

    how long are eggs ok to eat?

    every once in a while I'll find an egg hidden behind something either in the yard or the hen house and I'll wonder how many days it's been out in the sun. So far we have ate them all but my husband is always leary. So how long is ok to be out in the elements before it's no good? what about in...
  11. crystal94040

    tiny red bugs

    I was just giving the chicken coop a good scrub down this afternoon and noticed a few tiny red bugs here and there...what are they? Anyone know? and should I be concerned?
  12. crystal94040

    my first double yolker!

    cool eh?! Can't get that with store bought eggs. I was making corn bread and went out to the hen house for an egg...I brought them in and washed off the biggest one...cracked it into my bowl and whalah - two eggs in one kids thought it was super cool I was a little worried how it...
  13. crystal94040

    whats the best age to process a bird at?

    I'm a very "backyard" with my chickens, i only have 6 I have to move into a small apartment due to an impending divorce and figure I'll be having to process my chickens within the next 3 months. just wondering what the ideal age of a chicken for slaughter. mine are now 23 weeks I...
  14. crystal94040

    nervous about eating the eggs?

    obviously I've never done this before...I have 5 chikens in my backyard in a very suburban area ( my neighbors think I'm crazy lol) So I got our first egg and know more are soon to come. I'm a bit nervous about eating them though. Can you get sick from them if there is something wrong with the...
  15. crystal94040

    milk crate on for laying "box"?

    I just found our first egg and it was in their pan of food ( we just use a casarole pan) SO I put in a milk crate and pit some straw in it. We had a large box with straw in it before but they didn't seem to like it. Do you think a milk crate will be ok?? It holds 4 gallons of milk side by side...
  16. crystal94040

    how long til egg #2?

    we got our first egg yesterday *yay* was on the small side, but had a nice hard shell, even daughter accidently dropped it a few minutes later but before that it looked perfect. There was a little glob of redish brown blood next to the yolk...but I assume thats ok?? So when can...
  17. crystal94040

    Whats wrong with this chicken?!

    A friend of mine posted these pictures on another board hoping that someone would be able to tell her whats going on with her chicken....but no one is answering. So I'm reposting on her behalf here in the hopes that someone has seen this before and can shed some light on the situation. Thanks!
  18. crystal94040

    chicken skin graph

    I was talking to my grandma about my chicken's injury about a week ago. She had an interesting idea. Because the wound is so large I can't stich it closed, she told me if I was planning on culling a meat bird to transplant some of the skin on my injured pet chicken. Would that really work? I'm...
  19. crystal94040

    pictures after chihuahua attack *graphic* - UPDATE! 12/16/07 - page 4

    we are on day 6 now and she still seems to be slowly but surely improving
  20. crystal94040

    I did it! **"warning - graphic details"**

    ...his head around looking for an opportunity to bite. It went rather quickly and wasn't as traumatic as I thought it was going to be. To do list * buy pruning shears* At this point all the kids are at the window curious as can be...they know full well "mommy is killing the chicken" and they...
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