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  1. NewHomesteader2010

    North Carolina

    Just popping on to say hello to everyone! Chicks are doing well, getting big. Excited to see how big they "finish" out at. Not much else is going on - just been busy with 3 youngsters and a hubby who has been working some CRAZY hours! I've been gone enough to have 30+ pages to read and...
  2. NewHomesteader2010

    North Carolina

    Hehe....I know, but I am suppose to swap them some ducklings for work...they're going to help DH put up the fence around our property and wouldn't let us do anything special. When they saw Cadbury they mentioned they'd LOVE to see some muscovies living by their pond (which is like an acre - I...
  3. NewHomesteader2010

    North Carolina

    Good Morning everyone!! I hope those of you who went to WCA had a great time (that is IF WCA is still up and it year round? I couldn't remember)!! Chickens and ducks are doing well. I am SAD to report that since we have discovered the "nest" of our ducks...they have since moved...
  4. NewHomesteader2010

    North Carolina

    ...DH anymore. This ought to be a fun and exciting adventure! My 2nd outing with all 3 by Those of you downsizing...let me know...I *might* be able to be persuaded to take some off your hands. OOHH, on a duck note...we found their nest, but hubby took all the eggs (I told...
  5. NewHomesteader2010

    North Carolina

    EWE...Thank you. That does ring a bell now that I've seen the photo...LOL, perhaps it was last summer that we talked about them?!? Wow, I can't remember a thing anymore. Thank you again!! NEVER knew that. Thank you. Do you put the Vaseline on their combs for protection? Meat Bird HELP: I...
  6. NewHomesteader2010

    North Carolina

    CSB - I'm sure this has been discussed before, but I'll chalk it up to my post-pregnancy amnesia....what is a saddleback caterpillar?? I'm afraid to google it...every time I google something I end up getting side tracked and end up diagnosing myself with some rare incurable malady! LOL Good...
  7. NewHomesteader2010

    North Carolina

    ...making small talk while getting his phone repaired and the guy he was talking with asked if we could be his supplier for eggs!! We have our FIRST *regular* customer!! DH brings eggs to work and offers them to coworkers, but it's never a reliable deal. Now we have someone buying a dozen...
  8. NewHomesteader2010

    North Carolina

    We too started off brining our chickens because that's what we were told to do. LOL. Once the kind NC BYC'ers told me I didn't have to, we take our chickens straight from processing to freezer (unless we have chicken on the menu that night). Depending on age, we either slow cook them or roast...
  9. NewHomesteader2010

    North Carolina

    YAY!! Good luck!!
  10. NewHomesteader2010

    North Carolina

    Thank you for the information. I am looking forward to seeing how these fill out. I think mine are still on the small side, but from what I've been reading about fermented feed, it seems they tend to be a week behind "schedule" in growth. I'm not worried as we're not planning to process until...
  11. NewHomesteader2010

    North Carolina

    Good afternoon everyone! The FR are growing well and starting to really feather out. I have one that I do believe will either be completely white or 80% white as the feathers from beneath the head/neck are all white. I will try to take a photo, but for some reason they still view me as the...
  12. NewHomesteader2010

    North Carolina

    Awe...if I didn't live so far and had a quarantine pen available, I'd take him...just to SCARE the pants off my hubby!! LOL. He has said NO to all the "unique" looking birds - what a bubble burster! I do hope you find a home for him soon!! On a chicken note: our FR are doing well. I...
  13. NewHomesteader2010

    North Carolina

    Okay...DH is really serious about getting an incubator, so I need an "idiot-proof" (or as close as you can get) incubator suggestion. We're not looking at doing more than 20 eggs at a time (really more like 12 or less). What would be your number 1 recommendation for those of you with...
  14. NewHomesteader2010

    North Carolina

    Good Morning everyone! The weekend is ALMOST here, I can hardly wait....DH has been working so much, I've forgotten what he looks like. HAHA I'm sure I'll remember once I see him on the tractor mowing the grass (the tractor that the more he fixes it...the more it falls apart! NOT his fault...
  15. NewHomesteader2010

    North Carolina

    Because I promised photos!! Cadbury, my handsome drake who is starting to darken!! He's a favorite around here!! Cadbury's ladies!! The "white" one is VERY shy and is at the bottom of the "pecking" order. Our Freedom Rangers, 2 weeks old today!! Another shot of the FR -...
  16. NewHomesteader2010

    North Carolina

    Good morning everyone!! "Slow" day on the farm here. I'm really amazed at how fast my chicks seem to be growing. It may be because they are so close to the house that I see them more often, or because they are not under a mama, but I think they are getting bigger a lot faster than my non-meat...
  17. NewHomesteader2010

    North Carolina

    The idea that Beth's incubator would actually be turned off....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. I mean, I'm surprised it's still running.
  18. NewHomesteader2010

    North Carolina

    Wow!! He is nice and big...can't wait to see how ours will turn out!! We ordered them from Freedom Ranger Hatchery (WONDERFUL PEOPLE!!) in PA and they do not sell by color, just whatever hatches on the day you choose. So for us, it'll be a surprise!! LOL
  19. NewHomesteader2010

    North Carolina

    That was me...we ordered 50 - traded 10 out and have 41 left (hehe...they sent us 51 in case you all were questioning my math abilities...which I wouldn't blame you if you did!! LOL) We have kept them inside (well, in our screened in porch) in a rubbermaid type tub while waiting for the hubby...
  20. NewHomesteader2010

    North Carolina

    Good Morning everyone!! WILD - I am so sorry you had to deal with that. We get that same treatment, but it's usually from family members who have NO idea what rural life is (you mean you raise your own birds to EAT?) I'd go so far to say that certain family members would say, "Why kill an...
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