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  • Users: Mandalina
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  1. Mandalina

    Lets play guess the gender of the ambiguous silkie mix!!!

    Come on, it will be fun! UB (as in Ugly Bird) will be 19 weeks tomorrow. I have always somewhat assumed UB was a roo bc at 4weeks the peacomb turned bright red and the legs have always been thick.Now though...I am calling it into question as I caught my main roo mounting UB. UB is a mix...
  2. Mandalina

    Best treatment for Conjunctivitis

    I have a hen who has come down with conjunctivitis.She is now fully blind in her right eye, can see some movement and light from left but that is about it. I plan on getting vit A to help treat her, but I know I cannot reverse the blindness. She is 25ish weeks of age. What else can I do? I am...
  3. Mandalina

    My Saint puppy is the pest today

    I just went out to grab the saint bernard puppy to bring her back inside and I saw her chasing and mauling something while playful barking.I thought it was a fuzzy toy that belongs to my other dog at first then I heard the high pitched angry rooster noise. My little banty rooster Harold had...
  4. Mandalina

    First snake attack, lot a chick :o(

    Not sure what kind it is, huge and black with a light under made rattling noises at me but had no rattles or fangs of any kind. That is it without the head next to my DH's size 11/12 boot. The thing was huge. RIP little RJ
  5. Mandalina

    Help with a silkie mix

    Morning Peeps! I just hatched out a few eggs a couple of days ago and got a surprise when my long awaited silkie egg hatched.The chick looks like a chipmunk which is adorable, but it's legs are pinky white and it has normal chicken toes, not silkie feet. The face/eyes look exactly like it's...
  6. Mandalina

    6 Guinea Keets For Sale

    I have 6 straight run guinea keets for sale. 4 weeks of age. Feathering out nicely. 2 lavenders , 2 whites, 2 pied. Pick up in NW MO or can arrange for delivery in NW-KC-SW MO can be arranged. Asking to sell all 6 together to make it easier, but if seriously interested in 2 ,3, or 4 we can talk.
  7. Mandalina

    I have an egg eater ;o(

    And I am beyond annoyed. It is one of my non-laying younger girls doing it.There are 4 in particular that like to nap in the nesting boxes and I dont know who is doing it yet but I will be finding out asap. This was the third day in a row I had an egg or more cracked and eated. First day I...
  8. Mandalina

    Movement when candling!

    Today is day 8 for my little peepers and while I was cleaning the broody cage I looker-see'd what was going on in them.My silkie egg has a lovely little bloop swimming happy as could be in there! My turken egg also had movement, so exciting!!! my other 3 eggs are looking good, a little too dark...
  9. Mandalina

    Pullet not walking, laying limp in coop,help please

    1) What type of bird , age and weight.- BA, 17weeks, average sized not sure of weight 2) What is the behavior, exactly.- Found her laying limp in a corner of coop tonight at closing time. Got her up but she is acting like her leg is asleep or something, foot is curled up. 3) How long has the...
  10. Mandalina

    2 last eggs are quitters :o( w/ a Q

    I had the 3rd chick hatch this am after pipping late last night (mover and a shaker!) and decided to candle the last 2 eggs while cleaning out my broody's cage this am. One of the eggs no longer had an air pocket in it, and I though that maybe the chick was on it's way outsince that is what the...
  11. Mandalina

    IT'S A GIRL, with pics!!!!!!!!!!

    My egg that pipped yesterday morning hatched about 2hrs ago! She is a Black Star/Black Sex-link Pullet! now waiting on the last 3 eggs to hatch!
  12. Mandalina

    Help with Guinea coloring?

    Hi y'all! My dh is such an enabler, brought home these 6 cuties bc he didnt want my turken chick to be lonely while we wait for the other 4 chicks to hatch I know 2 are whites, pretty obvious. 2 appear to be pied according to color charts, but the last 2 are a mystery to me. they are a lovely...
  13. Mandalina

    OMG suspence is killllin me!

    1 of my 5 eggs hatched on wed when it was day 21 for it, but the other 4 eggs are either 21 today or tomm or sat...not really sure bc hens kept laying on top of my broody LOL> I have 1 little lone chick chillaxin in the brooder dying for some company and I am sooo oexcited to see the little...
  14. Mandalina

    Help?? Just hatched chick. With pics.

    This chick just hatched last night and my broody rejected it. I have never hatched our own chicks and I know a lot of chicks have yolk still in them, but is this it?? It didnt look this big last night and now it is breathing heavy? Could it be infected?
  15. Mandalina

    Day 21,One chick hatched and both broodies regected it? help

    Ok, I have one little turken that hatched out late this evening.Just went out and found her still a little wet and my broody she is caged with facing her back to her.My other broody that sat on the eggs for 19days before abandoning the nest broke into the caged off area when she heard chick...
  16. Mandalina

    what the H-E-Double hockey sticks is going on?!

    My broody up and left her clutch of eggs last night, they are due to hatch between this wed and fri. She was acting off last night when I was out there, then I went out to check on her this am and she was in full attack mode but had buried her eggs in the shavings and deconstructed her nest. why...
  17. Mandalina

    Need to kill off a lot of mice...asap.

    We are under a full invasion of nasty little rodents.At first there was only a few but now...holy lord it is gross.I counted 15 very young mice just the other night breaking into my scratch bin, I was only able to kick a few and I don't think I killed them. Over all there has to be at least 100...
  18. Mandalina

    Expecting #5...*insert shocked face here* idea. I am scared,shocked,overwhelmed and yet feeling pretty darn lucky. And I cant believe I am going to have a second set of irish twins *I have a few of you lovely BYC'er on my FB page and I need you girls not to mention this there.I am not telling my mom, she is coming out to...
  19. Mandalina

    EEEKKKK! Newest Family member!

    HEHEHE, She is so pretty! No name yet. She is 4mths old and family had to cut down on dogs since they had her and her litter mate. I am so excited, she gets her this afternoon!
  20. Mandalina

    Need Rabbit Peep!

    Ok Rabbit lovers, Give me the best breed of bunny you like and for what reasons. My dh is thinking about letting me and the kids get one in a few weeks.I would need a breed that isnt known to be aggressive and is easily trainable. Thank you for your wise advice in advance!!!!
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