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  • Users: dogdollar
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  1. dogdollar

    How ELSE to get Calcium into the chicken

    For the past two weeks, I have on occasion been disappointed to go to collect eggs in the afternoon, only to find the entire day's production coated with dried yolk and dirt. To me, these are beyond cleaning. I throw away the whole lot. Today I noticed one of my hens out in the yard, walking...
  2. dogdollar

    Fear of fresh eggs?

    There's something very interesting going on with one of my nieces. I have a small flock (four barred rock hens, five production red hens, and a barred rock rooster) and they started laying in August, and continue to lay through the cold weather and despite the fact that quite a few of them are...
  3. dogdollar

    Listless Hen

    One of my hens seemed to be having a bad day today...she was just not herself...not pecking like the other hens, not gossiping...just kind of walking around like she was in a fog. I sure hope it's just a passing thing and that she's not sick or something. I know she laid an egg yesterday because...
  4. dogdollar

    Hysterical Rooster Behavior

    My Barred Rock rooster, Dominick, is pretty typical, I guess. He loves his nine girls; gives them the best of everything and always looks out for them and finds treats in the yard. Of course, like all roosters he gets his fringe benefits, too....but the girls don't seem to mind and I have never...
  5. dogdollar

    Poultry Conditioner

    Hi, Folks, I have decided to treat my (10) birds to a 14 ounce can of tuna twice a week just a give them a little boost in protein, and of course because they LOVE tuna fish. I then decided if I poured the tuna out over some of this Manna Pro "Poultry Conditioner" they would be more likely to...
  6. dogdollar

    The Impossible Dream !!

    I have nine hens....four barred rocks and five production reds. The production Reds are about a month behind the barred rocks in age. My barred rocks started giving me eggs around the first week in August this year, and at some point the PR's joined in. I would say that for the last month I have...
  7. dogdollar

    Biosecurity? REALLY?

    I hear a lot of talk about biosecurity, and I can't help but agree that keeping your flock isolated from other flocks sounds like a great way of preventing the transmission of chicken diseases and pest from outside of the flock. My question has more to do with WILD animals....I have a spot near...
  8. dogdollar

    Epic FAIL treats......

    I thought this might be a funny thread. What, in your infinite wisdom, have you thought would be the ULTIMATE treat for your chickens, just to have them not only ignore your offering but also to look at you like you're a total reetard? DD
  9. dogdollar

    Ultimate Treat

    What is the #1 ultimate treat you give to your chickens? For me, it is a can of tuna fish.....they totally lose their minds over it. DD
  10. dogdollar

    Made a mistake last night

    My chickens usually head back to the coop and put themselves to bed about ten minutes after sunset. Then, I just go out there, take headcount, and secure the door. Done. Last night when I went out there, I found the door had blown closed, and four of the hens were missing. Went in and got the...
  11. dogdollar

    I am in mosquito HELL

    Finally got a break from the hot a matter of fact, today is gorgeous and mild. Problem is, there are SO MANY mosquitoes around I can't set foot outside without getting eaten alive. There are, literally, CLOUDS of them around my chicken coop...they are in your eyes, on your neck...
  12. dogdollar

    "Fake" eggs in nest box

    Okay, I put my nest boxes in about two weeks ago, and put a couple of fake eggs in each nest to give the gals an idea about what the boxes were for. The result has been nothing but excellent.....they are laying almost exclusively in the boxes now and don't poop or sleep in them. I haven't had to...
  13. dogdollar

    Fowl Pox - Update

    I posted this a while back: ...wondering if what my chickens had was fowl pox, and it turned out to be that it was. Not only did this chicken have it, but eight of my nine hens and my rooster all got the black, warty-looking things...
  14. dogdollar

    Hen with skinny, flat butt

    I am wondering...... I have nine hens and eight of them have wide, fluffy butts. One of my production reds is different, though. She is a very trim little hen, healthy and in fine feather, but she has a skinny butt...she doesn't have that "bloom" of fuzzy feathers in her vent area like the...
  15. dogdollar

    Egg washing method

    I would prefer that every egg I pick up would be spotless, but unfortunately that's not the way it is. So, here's what I do: 1.) Run tap water at a high temperature that is just approaching uncomfortable for the hands. 2.) In stainless steel mixing bowl, mix 1 teaspoon of bleach with six cups...
  16. dogdollar

    A Day in the Life

    I usually let my chickens out whenever I know I've run all of my errands and I'm in for the rest of the day. That's typically 3-4:00. Some days are better than others. Yesterday was extraordinary. I let them out and, as usual, it was mass hysteria; flying, flapping, crowing, clucking, and...
  17. dogdollar

    Tissue damage to comb (picture)?

    One of my Production Red hens has black spots on her comb....I am wondering if this area was injured and this is healing, or if it's something else. Another of the hens has a spot like this, too, but not as large. I really appreciate any help, thanks. DD
  18. dogdollar

    Never Again

    The day before yesterday, I thought it might be cool to give my chookies a can of tuna. They liked it, much that they were at my feet after it was all gone, giving me the sad eyes. Like any chicken lover, I said what the heck......and gave them another can. Of course, I can't feed...
  19. dogdollar

    Questionable egg

    My run has a few inches of DE-coated wood shavings in it. It is not unreasonable to think that a hen might lay her egg, and that it would be covered up with wood shavings as the other hens scratch, looking for bugs. question is....what if an egg I find is actually a few days old...that...
  20. dogdollar

    Transition from crumble to pellets

    My birds had crumble everywhere and it was creating a huge mess and attracting insects, so I switched to pellets (same food). They don't appear to be eating the pellets as the point I worry they might not be getting enough to eat at all right now. Should I just give it more time...
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