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  1. SassyKat6181

    Hen thinks she's the rooster - with funny photo

    So my year old red hen thinks she is the rooster. (I don't have one) and has been bullying the girls. When I finally figured out which one it was, I put her in her own stall and told her she was dinner. Well, the next morning there was a beautiful egg waiting for me next to the door. So I...
  2. SassyKat6181

    Hen thinks she's a rooster?

    I got rid of my rooster last summer because he had become really mean, towards the hens and my family. He would pull the feathers from the tops of their heads and their poor little backs were bald. I have noticed in the last few weeks that the girls are again losing feathers on heads and...
  3. SassyKat6181

    Will my broody accept them?

    I gave in and ordered the Meyer production 25 with free shipping :) I have two other people going in on the order with me. I have a Buff Brahma that's been broody for about two weeks now. The shipment is for July 9th. If she is still broody at the time, do you think I could give her the...
  4. SassyKat6181

    2 males missing :(

    The biggest male has really been fighting with another male lower in line. Not to the point of blood, but he chases him a lot, especially at coop time (when it gets dark) 2 nights ago, they were running around the field and wouldn't come in. At dark, they were nowhere to be found. I thought...
  5. SassyKat6181

    Egg eating chickens :( suggestions?

    I used to get the occasional broken egg.....nothing left but a small pile of white. (they get oyster shell free choice) Now I am getting an egg with a hole in the end and all of the inside is gone. Last week there were 3 in one day. I have 28 chickens. I took the three and filled them with...
  6. SassyKat6181

    Bully Guinea....need advice

    I have a large male that is bullying a smaller male. I have 5 males and 5 females. They are fine outside during the day, but the smaller male hassles me about going in at night. When he does go in the coop (12x12 stall) the large males bullies him. He keeps pecking at him and chases him...
  7. SassyKat6181

    I performed a necropsy *with graphic photos* egg yolk peritonitis

    My 1.5 yr old Black Sexlink has been ill for about 4 months. I treated her for everything under the sun and finally decided she had had enough. I called around to see if any of the avian vets or schools would perform a necropsy and I got prices from $150-500.....yikes! I told myself to be...
  8. SassyKat6181

    Would you have a necropsy done?

    I have a 1.5 yr old Black Sexlink that has been ill for about 4 months now. Lethargic, pale comb, fluffed up and sits on the roost all day, eats and drinks very little, runny stool. I have tried everything to make her better and she has given up. She doesn't even try to move when she is...
  9. SassyKat6181

    Best way to cull?

    I have a hen that has been ill for about 4 months now.....I have tried everything possible to make her better. She has given up. She sits huddled on the roost and lets the others peck at her without a fight. She is about 1.5 yrs old, a black sexlink from a hatchery. I plan to call the local...
  10. SassyKat6181

    TSC is trying to make me

    Just got an email from TSC that chick days are here..... Someone please give me the strength not to go. And the breed of the week is Ameraucanas. Tie me up, I can't go. But I could use a few more since I never have enough eggs to sell.
  11. SassyKat6181

    Egg eater?

    I have been getting 1-2 broken eggs each day. There isn't a shell, but the other eggs are smeared in yolk. I've been collecting a few times a day thinking maybe they are getting broken during the "nest box fight". Yesterday when I went down I caught a RIR with yolk all over her beak and she...
  12. SassyKat6181

    Lice won't go away...suggestions?

    I have been having a hard time ridding the flock of lice. I stripped the coop (12x12 horse stall) down to the gravel and sprayed all the woodwork with sevin. I sprinkle DE in the nest boxes and strip the shavings in them every saturday. I have dusted the hens with Poultry Dust every 10 days...
  13. SassyKat6181

    Anyone tried this plastic nest material?

    I saw this plastic nest material in the Randall Burkey catalog and thought it might be a good idea for my hens. With the strange warm and wet weather we've been having here in the Northeast, I have been...
  14. SassyKat6181

    bald heads on hens

    quite a few of my hens have bald heads. it is the rooster.....i have seen him mount them and grab their head feathers and yank really hard. is there anything i can do? they look so silly and it must be painful. i have 1 rooster in with 29 hens. thanks
  15. SassyKat6181

    Guineas with bumps above their noses

    I noticed tonight after lockup that a few of the males have wart like bumps above their the red colored tissue area. Is this normal or do I need to look them over more closely? Thanks
  16. SassyKat6181

    Using Eprinex pour-on

    I am going to buy this for my chickens and ducks. I have dusted them twice now, but they have never been wormed and I like the idea of an all-in-one, especially with 54 birds. Has anyone tried or does anyone know if this can also be used on dogs? We give our dogs the Ivomec injectible for...
  17. SassyKat6181

    EE lays beautiful green eggs

    She started on Christmas Eve and has only missed one day since....woo hoo! What a nice surprise to find a green egg amongst all the brown ones in the box.
  18. SassyKat6181

    Rooster being rough with the hens

    My BR rooster is about 7 months old and being very rough with the girls. He is the only roo with 29 hens. I noticed a few of my 1 yr olds have bald spots on the tops of their heads and at first thought it was because they are molting, but then saw the roo jump on one and yank what little...
  19. SassyKat6181

    I've run out of ideas...what could be wrong?

    1) What type of bird , age and weight Barred Rock hen 15 months skinny 2) What is the behavior, exactly. lethargic, sits fluffed up, comb pale and wattles almost white 3) How long has the bird been exhibiting symptoms? 3 weeks now 4) Are other birds exhibiting the same symptoms? no 5) Is...
  20. SassyKat6181

    Eprinex-Pour you throw out the eggs?

    I did a few searches on here and keep getting conflicting info on whether or not to throw away the eggs when using the pour-on. I have a very good egg business (plus we eat 2 dozen a week) and hate to have to throw away eggs for a month. (2 rounds of wormer) If I use the pour-on, does it...
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